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Is this a difficult site to make first ini file? (big noob here)

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Is this a difficult site to make first ini file? (big noob here)

Hi, not sure if i can do this, but i do like learning (although i know when i'm in over my head). I was hoping to see if this is a decent site to start off with

This is the same site but it's just the EPG.

There are only 9 channels, but i don't know if it would be too complicated.

Thanks in advance

Blackbear199's picture
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you dont need a new ini.the current ini will work but they made some changes and it needs to be fixed.
see if you can figure it out...

Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) BEIN.NET -- chan. (xmltv_id=xtra) -- mode Force
0.00 sec/update
Summary for update of xtra
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 27
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 27

elapstime / updated show 0.00 seconds

Job finished at 24/07/2020 10:07:40 done in 4s

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Blackbear199 wrote:

you dont need a new ini.the current ini will work but they made some changes and it needs to be fixed.
see if you can figure it out...
Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) BEIN.NET -- chan. (xmltv_id=xtra) -- mode Force
0.00 sec/update
Summary for update of xtra
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 27
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 27
elapstime / updated show 0.00 seconds
Job finished at 24/07/2020 10:07:40 done in 4s

Ah, i'm an idiot. I am using that one and didnt realize the US channels were in there.

Now for my first challenge, hehe. Let me look at it and see if i see what needs to change.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

you dont need a new ini.the current ini will work but they made some changes and it needs to be fixed.
see if you can figure it out...
Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) BEIN.NET -- chan. (xmltv_id=xtra) -- mode Force
0.00 sec/update
Summary for update of xtra
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 27
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 27
elapstime / updated show 0.00 seconds
Job finished at 24/07/2020 10:07:40 done in 4s

Only thing i see is the the the if i type in in a browswer then opens as Not sure if that's what you're talking about. The ini is encrypted so i don't see any info. Well techinically mine opens up as since I'm in the US.

I'm sorry if i failed :(

On another note, would this be a good site to start with? Its a 1 channel site:

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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yeah, looks like a straight foreward easy site to start with.nothing special there to look out for.
i dont think u want to dive into the bein ini and it does many diff countries and some sections of the code can be confusing even for someone who has been doing ini for awhile.

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awesome, thanks for the advice

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Blackbear199 wrote:

you dont need a new ini.the current ini will work but they made some changes and it needs to be fixed.
see if you can figure it out...
Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) BEIN.NET -- chan. (xmltv_id=xtra) -- mode Force
0.00 sec/update
Summary for update of xtra
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 27
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 27
elapstime / updated show 0.00 seconds
Job finished at 24/07/2020 10:07:40 done in 4s

Earlier today i realized i was only getting 1 day (or less than 1 day) of MENA channels. Then i remembered you said something need to be fixed in this topic i had started. Does something need to get fixed? If i run a channels list, it only produces a list of about 10 channels (random countries).

If i should open a new thread i will, just replied here because i remember you mentioned it needing fixing.

I'm uploading what channel list is creating when in "c" mode

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mat8861 wrote:

you should get more:

That definitely gave more, now getting about 2 to 2 1/2 days.

Now i'm confused about something Mat8861, the site ini for that i was using and the one in the silentbueno2 git have the same revision number. When something is fixed, even if its a small fix, do some revision numbers stay the same?

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Usually yes. It might happen (in this case Blackbear told me to add his siteini) and didn't pay attention to revision. It also can happen if a site ini is published and in forum someone report a small error/fix , if it is not critical we do not change revision, just apply the fix. Basically it's a good thing to have siteini.user just for your own or modified siteini and update the siteini.pack every couple week.

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mat8861 wrote:

Usually yes. It might happen (in this case Blackbear told me to add his siteini) and didn't pay attention to revision. It also can happen if a site ini is published and in forum someone report a small error/fix , if it is not critical we do not change revision, just apply the fix. Basically it's a good thing to have siteini.user just for your own or modified siteini and update the siteini.pack every couple week.

Thanks so much for the insight.

Sorry to ask another 3 questions, but wasnt sure if you saw 2 of the posts I made:
1. did you see the post about Timeline (SuperSports) i made about SuperSports 5 & 7 being a little funny at times combining certain events?

2. Not sure if you're the creator of the PlutoTV ini, but its only grabbing up to about 13:00 UTC time the entire day. I made post about it.

3. I think you did that awesome ini, wondering if it was possible to scrape the "New" tag and add to end of description. I can make a separate topic for this, since I hadn't made the topic.

As always, thanks for all the hard work you and the WG team put into this.

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ok will look into it.

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mat8861 wrote:

ok will look into it.

Thank you Mat8861. I hope you know how much you and the WG++ team are appreciated!

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Updated rte and pluto

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mat8861 wrote:

Updated rte and pluto

Big thanks to you and the crew for the great support!

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mat8861 wrote:

Updated rte and pluto

Ok, reporting back Mat8861 on the 3 INIs:
1. with the (New) addition, perfect!
2. seems to still have issues and seems like it plagues Supersport 5 & 7 the most (but don't want to say for sure it never happens on other channels)
ex.  of SuperSport 7 (5pm my time is 12am South Africa time)

see here below at 7 pm my time (2am South Africa time) that event shown is 9 hours and 30 minutes long, but should only be 30 minutes long.

similar thing happening with SuperSports 5 around Midnight (South Africa time)
Not sure if it helps, but i mentioned above that my first line in the ini looks like this
site {|timezone=Africa/Lusaka|maxdays=7|cultureinfo=en-ZA|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90|keepindexpage|allowlastdayoverflow|firstshow=1}
If not, some channels pull the next days as today (coincidentally i think its the same problem channels as above)
3. Pluto is working now, but something seemed wrong.  Took me some minutes to see something was wrong.  Then i found it. There are moments of about 10 hours missing.  I checked the XML you uploaded and found the same behavior.  Good news is seems to be picking up more than the small chunk. I think i'm seeing 2 or 3 days.
I checked your uplaoded guide.xml from the other post and you have the same behavior as well.  See how it skips about 10 hours between the 2 listings.

<programme start="20200730130000 +0000" stop="20200730133000 +0000" channel="Pluto TV Kids">

<title lang="en">Animal Crackers</title>
<desc lang="en">Lyle gets to play Uncle to his little nephew Louie, with all the expected, and disastrous results./Lyle, just back from a trip to France, tries to instill some Parisian manners on his less than enthusiastic Freeborn friends.</desc>
<category lang="en">Children & Family</category>
<category lang="en">Kids' TV</category>
<icon src=""/>





<programme start="20200730234500 +0000" stop="20200731013000 +0000" channel="Pluto TV Kids">

<title lang="en">Legend Of Kung Fu Rabbit</title>
<desc lang="en">Fu is telepathically given the ultimate kung fu power after rescuing a martial arts master from a fatal attack with the promise that he would return the tablet to his daughter, Penny.</desc>
<category lang="en">Children & Family</category>
<category lang="en">Family Animation</category>
<icon src=""/>



*Pluto update, i see its grabbing from 12am UTC to 1pm UTC then empty then grabs the next day from 12am to 1pm UTC then blanks out, and finally does the same for the 3rd day.
Sorry for the long post.  Just wanted to give you as much detail as possible.
Thanks again Mat

Blackbear199's picture
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have you redownloaded the ini(supersport.he may not have done a revision change for a simple fix),i messaged matt8861 about the duplicates and he said he would fix it.
everything your saying is pointing to this as the problem.
also make sure u run a force update once to get the data corrected,then change it back to incrimental.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

have you redownloaded the ini(supersport.he may not have done a revision change for a simple fix),i messaged matt8861 about the duplicates and he said he would fix it.
everything your saying is pointing to this as the problem.
also make sure u run a force update once to get the data corrected,then change it back to incrimental.

Hey Blackbear199

I downloaded the ini from the original post this morning (Mat uploaded it there this morning) and just realized it was in the original post in the Donator Support section. Wasn't trying to crosspost, just lost track

Same thing with Pluto, i started the post here
but he responded here since i was a bit crossed up.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

have you redownloaded the ini(supersport.he may not have done a revision change for a simple fix),i messaged matt8861 about the duplicates and he said he would fix it.
everything your saying is pointing to this as the problem.
also make sure u run a force update once to get the data corrected,then change it back to incrimental.

Yes BB told me and i fixed that, and pluto in siteini.pack, supersport in post(with correction). So let's try not to mix see what happens, confusion !! ;)

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have a look and see what i changed and see if u can figure out why...

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Blackbear199 wrote:

have a look and see what i changed and see if u can figure out why...

The suspense is killing me. The only ini i have is the encrypted one. I don't see anything different with the first line (site dependent data) which is the only thing i can see in the encrypted ini. What needed changing?

Blackbear199's picture
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channel xml generation(i cant show all the tags as forums fooked it up).
most channels use div class=channel
the extra channel was div class='special channel'
had to change the showsplit as it used these same tags which wont match both.
its a complicated ini.

btw i sent msg to creator that i dont think encrypting ini is of any use anymore now the license thing is implimented.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

channel xml generation(i cant show all the tags as forums fooked it up).
most channels use div class=channel
the extra channel was div class='special channel'
had to change the showsplit as it used these same tags which wont match both.
its a complicated ini.
btw i sent msg to creator that i dont think encrypting ini is of any use anymore now the license thing is implimented.

So i'm sorry to ask a total noob question, but i really want to get a grasp on these things.
So i do see that typically when i inspect a page, channels have <div class="channel"> so i actually know what that means (haha). But something as small simple figuring out the URL_index i'm having trouble with.  I've had the manual open (2 instances to have chapter 4 and chapter 7 SiteIniIDE)  and cannot figure out for the life of me how you find out the index (for instance like the

Blackbear199's picture
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you need to use developer tools in your web browser.
myself i use chrome as i find its the best(when u first open it its small, top right corner click on expand to separate page i think its called).
under the network tab and then either all(see every request) or xhr(will see requests u dont see on home page).
for this site u wanna look at the xhr

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Blackbear199 wrote:

you need to use developer tools in your web browser.
myself i use chrome as i find its the best(when u first open it its small, top right corner click on expand to separate page i think its called).
under the network tab and then either all(see every request) or xhr(will see requests u dont see on home page).
for this site u wanna look at the xhr

OMG, finally a breakthrough. Thank you so much for that.
so i looked at "network" and see
Now for some questions, if that's ok.  So this might be super obvious, but the ini has this as the URL Index|urldate|&offset=0&mins=00&
I've seen this before, where what i'm seeing in the URL doesn't match what an ini has as the URL index.  For me, typing automatically goes to

  1. How would a noob like me know the URL Index is like the above|urldate|&offset=0&mins=00&
2.  In the example, Is there a way to figure out how not to just see the US EPG for since it automatically goes to the US for me.  (just testing, want to understand how i can see a site in its entirelty)

Blackbear199's picture
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thats why u need use developer tools.
the actual epg request maybe different from what yues se when you view with broswer.

Blackbear199's picture
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ur 2nd req,
study my ini.although the url changed dont mean it wont work.
this happend's oftenwithe sit,it redirects to same psge.

Blackbear199's picture
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there is no rocket scince needded.just will to learn.
trust me,once ur off u will strive.
its getting off the launch pad which isn the hard part.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

there is no rocket scince needded.just will to learn.
trust me,once ur off u will strive.
its getting off the launch pad which isn the hard part.

For sure and i really want to understand more of this.
So i did have developer tools open, thats how i was able to find the URL in "Network" below:
I'm just still not seeing how i would be able to see all the countries since it redirects my page to US.  How would i know which Countries have pages.
I'm just looking at as an example so i'll know what to look for the more i dig into sites.

Blackbear199's picture
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look at the channel xml creation in the ini i provided.
that will tell how multi country is done and also the fact that must be redirected(or or old url still works) as i aint using this addy.

also change the date,u will see more info added to this url..

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Blackbear199 wrote:

look at the channel xml creation in the ini i provided.
that will tell how multi country is done and also the fact that must be redirected(or or old url still works) as i aint using this addy.
also change the date,u will see more info added to this url..

I saw the multi-country thing and was playing with it earlier, but i guess i'm approaching it like as if the ini hadn't been done yet. If i was starting to create it, I did see the utctime_us thing, but how would i know which all countries are available. Once again, just trying to understand how to approach a site and just trying to imagine as if there was not a ini made which i can see the subpage.format list
btw, i tried adding a date like you mentioned (using the channel file creation), is something like below what you mean?
If so, not sure what you mean by more info.
Just a heads up, i see i can go to about 7 days ahead on the site and the ini says 7 days, however, its pulling only about 2 to 3 days.
Thanks for the help with everything so far

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u tell me why?

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Blackbear199 wrote:

u tell me why?

Haha, ok so as a total noob, it took a bit to figure out how to pull up the beIN Sports MENA webpage since i get redirected to the US channels. So I used the ini and figured out  how to pull up the MENA schedulue. 
So, I noticed that starting with this date below, there is no info for channels 1 - 13 (MENA) which is 3 days ahead
This link below (2 days ahead) does have events listed for channels 1 - 13
I thought there were more days because of the redirected US bein Sports schedule has 7 days and until i was able to pull up the MENA channels, i couldn't see that schedule.
Did i pass?  LOL

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glad ur figuring it out.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

glad ur figuring it out.

I'll accept my A-_Haha

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all timeline.supersport fault:
smarten up or i will give u a D-
in wg school

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It looks like my post yesterday didn't go through. Wanted to thank bot Mat8861 and Blackbear199 for your help!

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