I am unable to get discriptions for series. Movies work fine.
I am using Webgrab+plus 2.15 and the latest ini files from the mdb downloads. I have read several posts on similar problems but cannot seem to identify what is going wrong.
I have tried each of the following with the same result:
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.
Thank you
(The log file is cut off as it takes several hours to complete and I aborted after a few minutes of failure)
Much appreicated! Have a nice holiday .
Hmm...yes I noticed this during the past week. Havent looked over if there might be a quick fix for the imdb bing series ini. I suspect the whole ini has to be rewritten and therefor requires Jans expertise.
Aha, that is unfortunate! It is going to be plenty of manual tinkering with the EPG then til this is fixed.
A nice find
However it would be surprising such a big change doesnt break anything at all. We will see. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Oh noes
Its still not working. This is getting annoying as heck....
I wish I knew more about this stuff to help, but wonder if the episode listings on the season pages provide enough information to scrub?
Two and a Half Men (Season 6)
Imdb executives are getting lots of complaints for having removed the collected episode page and the discussions are heating up. I would be surpised if they stick with this nonsence decision in the end.
Looks like they updated the IMDB site to list all the series shows on a page. I wonder if this will be enough to make the IMDB series work?
I was posting something similar, but you did beat me to it.
Unfortunately these executive morons have ruined the imdb. They also refuse to listen to the massive critics.
Just following up on this one. So what is the solution for series matching via mdb now? tvdb.com.bing doesn't appear to find anything on my guide.xml.
Thanks bud. English only is fine - and actually what I am looking for :)
Will give it a whirl!
What was the solution for this?
Some posts must be missing from this thread?
there is none,its on the todo list.
series matching has been broken for ages due to changes on imdb site.
its not a ini fix,it will require changes in webgrab code itself.
Thank you.
Not even tvdb.com.bing works?
tvdb.com.tvdb.ini shows promise,i got alot matches for series shows i tested but its badly in need of alot of fixes.
its unuseable as it is as many elements are broken.
i will see what i can do.
u can give this a try,if you look at my log it didnt do to bad for what i tested.
for series u need to make sure u have episode-num patterns line for every site you plan on running mdb on.
basically look at your original guide.xml and see what exists for episode number info like S2 E3/5,S1 E2,E2,ect
read the documented configuration files available on the downloads page,in it you find one on mdb.config.xml
it will explain how to add the patterns.
Thank you for this :)
I have tried to work with this example: "How I Met Your Mother"
Source xml: S1 E17/22
MDP pattern: "'S1'E1'/'Et1'"
[ Info ] Candidates found: 106 movie / 137 serie / 95 both
[ Info ]
[ Debug ] found: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\Mdb\tvdb.com_.tvdb_.ini -- Revision 04
[ Info ] Serie: 1/137 .. How I Met Your Mother
[ Info ] Episode Number: S1 E17/22
[ Debug ] "How I Met Your Mother" + (2006) + "Pamela Fryman" .. no result!
[ Info ] no result!
[ Info ] Done in 1.32 sec
Manual lookup in tvdb
Can you help me with getting the matching to work?
Still 0 matches in series.
show me your pattern(screenshot) from ur mdb.config.xml
when i try your info i get a match..
Serie: 1/1 .. How i Met Your Mother
Episode Number: S1 E17/22
"How i Met Your Mother" + "" .. found Show_id , 75760/all/en?
Matching in thetvdb.com, showid = 75760/all/en
Done in 3.25 sec
edit i see your prob...
should be..
when u add your pattern u have to remember to include the S and E as the 'S1' 'E1' and 'Et1' is a separate parameter.
you must tell it the total format,i forget how the mdb.config.xml explains it,its been ages since i have read the whole thing.
i uses a stipped down file with just the info i want(i deleted all the explainations).
Thank you for all your effort.
The S end E is really between the lines. I cant fint it in explanation, example or downloadable documentation.
I have now added it (first screen dump).
Still not matching "How I met Your Mother" "S1 E17/22"
Actually got two other matches now with that pattern. "Summer House" "S3 E4", but how then does it not match "Undercover Boss US" "S8 E8" ?
Can you share your episodenum_pattern?
Candidates found: 0 movie / 1 serie / 0 both
Serie: 1/1 .. Undercover Boss US
Episode Number: S8 E8
"Undercover Boss US" + "" .. found Show_id , 140141/all/en?
Matching in thetvdb.com, showid = 140141/all/en
Done in 2.33 sec
again i have no issues with getting a match.
no idea what your doing wrong.
upload your entire mdb config.xml
to be honest i dont like the options for users to add patterns.
one pretty much has to be a ini creator to know exactly what to use.
its far from plug n play kinda setting.
u can also have multiple patterns.
here is what i use for sky.com(uk epg).
it never hurts to have all possible combinations.
webgrab is semi intelligent and will try to match the pattern to the data as close as it can but its not 100% always going to work.
for example,say u had
S5 E4
webgrab should be able to know what this means with pattern="S'S1'E'E1'/'Et1'" but it always wasnt like this.earlier we had to have specific pattern for all combinations.
see my screenshot.
Hello i have a problem withe the tv series in mdb.
num pattern result is:
Info ] Serie: 2445/5560 .. Die gefahrlichsten Schulwege der Welt
[ Info ] Episode Name : Nicaragua
[ Info ] Episode Number: 1.1.
[ Debug ] "Die gefährlichsten Schulwege der Welt" + "Nicaragua" + (2016) + "Leonhard Steinbichler" .. no result!
[ Info ] no result!
[ Info ] Done in 1.2 sec
What should i write in the episode num pattern ?
Are you using wg3.1.1 with new imdb.com.ask_series.ini ?
no im using wg 3.1.0 because it runs in an unraid docker and dont know how to update. can i not only take the new ini file ?
no it won't work...usually docker maintener is pretty fast in updating the app, i will send him a remainder
Ok thank you very much.
It is linuxserver
Thanks, I need to get back to this later and after also trying the new beta.
Hello, i have also a problem with the mdb scrapper. There is every time a unhandled exception.
[ Info ] Serie: 3/6540 .. In aller Freundschaft - Die jungen Arzte (163)
[ Info ] Episode Name : Schwindel
[ Info ] Episode Number: S4 E37
[ Info ] "In aller Freundschaft - Die jungen Ärzte (163)" + "Schwindel" + (2019) + "Peter Wekwerth" .. found Show_id , 3833900, 7794050, 6207712, 7186838, 9010574, 5931822?
[ Info ] Matching in imdb.com, showid = 3833900
[ Debug ] EpisodeId = 9901222
[ Debug ] Episode = 3.32.
[ Debug ] Title = In aller Freundschaft - Die jungen Ärzte
[ Debug ] Subtitle = Schwindel
[ Debug ] Description = The spin-off to the original series 'In aller Freundschaft' ....
[ Debug ] Actor = Mike Adler
[ Debug ] Category = Drama
[ Debug ] Productiondate = 2018
[ Debug ] Plot = https://contribute.imdb.com/updates?update=tt909375 ....
[ Debug ] ShowIcon = https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzEyZjg5MWQtZjkyNS00 ....
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file C:\Users\Philip\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped
Can me help someone
upload your webgrab log file.
Hello, thanks for your answer. Here is the log
this is a complete guess and i meant a guess.
the error occured on the fisrt match,check ur mdb folder and see if it created a mdb.xml data base file.
if its isnt there try udate="" instead of update="f" in your mdb.config.xml
if the error goes away it means webgrab couldnt save the data to the database.
this could be a bug or file permission problem.
Hello, thanks
the mdb.xml file was created by webgrab but the error is still there, also with update "" blank.
I also have deleted the mdb.xml but the log says the file will be created but it doesnt.
and the error is still there.
i have tested it now several times with different settings but every time the same error.
is there any chance to get this work ?
thanks in advance
for your mdb.xml file try adding the full path.
i dont think this it the prob but with this error it doesnt give much info to go on.
ive tried it withe the full path and with mdb and without mdb file. and the log still says the file was created but there is no file. i have to create by myself.
when i put in the mdb file, webgrab finds the file but the error is still there.
here is my complete config
i loaded ur mdb config setting and channels you used and was able to duplicate your error.
the culpurt is this in tour desc setting.
{\n[imdb description: 'mdb-description[max_sentences=2]']}
remove that and no error,i will send a msg to jan(the creator) as this is copied directly from default mdb config.
Thanks ;-)
What exactly should i remove from the line
{'mdb-title'...}{[plot: 'mdb-plot']\n}'description'{\n[imdb description: 'mdb-description[max_sentences=2]']}
how should it look like ?
remove what i pasted above..
Ok i have it and it worked.
>{'mdb-title'...}{[plot: 'mdb-plot']\n}'description'
Thank you very much :-)
i debugged it more and just removing [max_sentences=2] works so it appears this setting is the problem.
Ok thanks, but it only worked with a few and then quitted with errors like above,
and i have a few problems with the num pattern.
i have tested with new parameters in num pattern but it doesnt work
Because of series with e.g: only S320 and only E3246
Here you can see
S320 and only E3246 is insufficent for webgrab to find a match.
think about it,Exxxx of what season or S320(tv hasnt existed for 320 seasons).
i also seen some other crap that needs to be fixed.
it means imdb cant match these series ?
and what other crap do you mean ?
other crap like this..
[Warning ] No list of Episode Numbers for "Plan B: Scheiß auf Plan A (2016)" in the Mdb site
this should be..
[Warning ] No list of Episode Numbers for "Plan B: Scheiß auf Plan A" in the Mdb site
mdb cannot do miracles,ur not ever going to get 100% match for all your shows.
best u can do is if u see alot of no matches try another ini for these channels as it may have better subtitle and/or episode number info.
these are the 2 things that determine if a match can be found.
again,i hate these forums for how they handle tags,here a screen shot of incorrect data scrubbed.
Ok thanks for the info ;-)
im testing at the moment other inis,
but what is the reason for the critical error unhandled exception and the shutdown of wg++
with the movies i had no problems and no shutdown also with no matches
post another log file.
its hard to debug this,its more less try removing this setting or that setting and see if it works.
only jan can really debug it more as he has the source code and can see exactly where it happened and why.
all we can do is more less trial and error with error like "unhandled exception"
When the new channels from the other ini are found and the mdb process begins i will post new log file
Is there a german speaker with a working ini recommendation an config ?
there are multiple ini for germany that have everything(u dont need to run mdb).
like tvtoday.de for example
whay more would u expect to get from imdb?