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HDHomeRun Listing Question

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HDHomeRun Listing Question

I recently install WG++ and I am trying to build my first guide.xml. The issues that I am running into is figuring out what channel entries to use. I think I might be overthinking this process, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

So, I am in the Baltimore/DC area (20755 zip code). I have an HDHomeRun that is giving me the current channel lineup that it's detecting. How do I take the channel id/tag and find the usable channel with wg++?

I am on an Arch Linux machine and running the latest version of wg++. The installation went smooth, and the initial "test" guide.xml was created.

As for the dsetails.. I have a channel that works with my tuner:

HDHomeRun detects channel 4.1 - WRC-HD.

Where do I find the site_id for this channel?

Thanks for the help.


WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 5 hours

check here then example, run a USA site ini follow steps mfor you zip code, get channel list and add to your config. There is also documentation online to help you. Be aware that registred use have a limitation of 30 channels, donators 250 and for more you can contact the authors

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 4 years

Thank you. I have started understanding how to use the wg++ with tvguide. I am trying to figure out how to use the tvpassport one now.

I appreciate the help.

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