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it's a test so let's see if it works first.

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I don't need someone to give me this script, but a guide to start with, my knowledge of programming is very basic

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rodolfotk wrote:

I don't need someone to give me this script, but a guide to start with, my knowledge of programming is very basic

you just add channels to config and run....

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what would be the key to tvplus and programming?

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Hi folks,

The decriptkey is expired.

When the final release will be in siteini.pack?

Can you renew decryptkey until the final release is published?

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didn't have time to look at it, so here same until december

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Hi there, it's me again.

Recently, somebody contacted me through reddit (?) because of the messages I posted in this thread. They were about my python script that automatically scans the tvlineup website, identifies the new "channel id"s based on a text search and generates a valid WebGrab++ config file, which then is properly executed by the software.

I see that a lot of upgrades are being made on WebGrab++ itself to perform this, but I thought I would share my files, as they're been working since I said I would test them, back in my last message.

==== DISCLAIMER ====
This is a Python script that will identify the channels requested by you and find out the current Channel ID on the tvlineup website.

I don't know if they will work with the original files or any updated files. This has been working for the past 5 months (with a minimal change required because of the tvlineup website). At the present time, I have no intentions of updating this or the .ini file itself.

These files work FOR ME. They're easily configurable, as long as you understand some Python scripting and the logic behind the script itself. They run in Python 3.0. They are VERY ROUGH. There's not much comments on them. This is not really "public facing code", as programmers will call, but it works.

This script consists of two files I will explain now: - This is the file that will perform the website scan and create a new "WebGrab++.config.xml" when run. This file is REQUIRED to be before every time WebGrab++ runs, so a new configuration file will be generated.
config_partial.xml - This is a partial "WebGrab++.config.xml" used by the program to generate the final configuration file. This could be incorporated in the .py above, but I didn't do it.

There's no error catching in the python script itself. If an error happens, it will crash and provide no error logging. Use it at your own risk.

- Requirements:
Anything in the import section of the python script. re, sys, requests, os, subprocess, time and codecs

- Configuration: has a dictionary variable that lists the channels that the script will scrape from the website. They are "full channel names" as they show up, as text, on the website. All you have to do is follow the example and add a channel number of your choosing. personally, I put the actual OTA numbers in them.

- Usage
Just plop both files in a folder and "python3". If everything goes well, a WebGrab++.conf.xml file will be created in the folder that the script was run on.

==== ATTENTION ====
I will provide *NO* support for these files. They work for me and they were made by me for me. I never actually intended to release these (only the .ini I pasted here earlier) but, since they work and I saw some interest in them, I decided to post them here AS IS.
If you ask a question on the thread and I have the time, I might come back and answer some questions, as Blackbear199 did to me (and I wouldn't be able to get where I am without their help, so I'm very grateful for it), but I just don't have the time nor the interest to delve much deeper in this project.

If BlackBear199 or anybody related to WebGrab++ would prefer these files to not be made available here, they can just contact me or, if desired, just delete this post as a whole.

The files had the extension .TXT added to the end because the forum prevents .py files from being uploaded. You should rename them back to .py and .xml.

You can use these files and use them as basis for your own scripts. A little acknowledge that I made them would be fun and nice, but ultimately I don't care.

Hope this proves useful for somebody.

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Some recent information for those who use this site.
First, the site now needs registration, so it needs cookies.
Second, the site provides only one day of epg.

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