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question about usage of xml

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question about usage of xml

good day i have a question about the usage of xml
i am having some trouble with xml
when i am adding the url into my playlist and tagging the ids
for some reason the guide does not comes up
#EXTM3U url-tvg="http://www.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="161" group-title="детские",Cartoon Network
i tried to add tvg-name into the line and still the same
but when i am using it separately like the load playlist and load the guide file
it does show the guide for the channel

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can anyone help me with this ? i can donate to the site for the help xD

WG++ Team memberDonator
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you don't need to donate, just search the forum there a lot of post on how to add epg to your iptv, then also on google there are many programs that can assign epg to iptv streams.
An example :
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="RETE 4 HD" tvg-logo="https://link_to_logo/Rete4.png" group-title="TIVUSAT",RETE 4 HD

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the thing is that epg does works
but when i am entering it sepretly
was trying in GSE app so when i do add the xml guide and add the tvg-id in the playlist it shows the epg
but i dont want to click update every time so i used the url-tvg in the playlist and this way for some reason it does not update and shows the epg for the channels

WG++ Team memberDonator
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In GSE i added the url (import epg) to my epg guide.xml (excluded the others) and works fine.

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as i said when i am importing the xml sepertly it does work
but not when the xml link inside the playlist then it does not show the epg imported thru the EPG only Writen in URL TVG.jpg the xml thru epg section.jpg
i tried to use xml from other source and for some reason when i am using it in the the url tvg inside the playlist it does give me the programs information

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Last seen: 56 sec

if you missing "matching" tvg_id could be different. so check here:
the tvg id is the site_id of your epg list
Like i said on google there are also small programs that help you to assign epg if you want to avoid the manual editing

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