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What donation required for members area?

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What donation required for members area?


I am after some of the decrypt keys that I am told are available in the donor area. What donation is required to have access to this? Would say a one off donation of 10 euro be acceptable?


WG++ Team memberDonator
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The donation is minimum 5 (euro). There are very few sites that require a "special donation" .Obviously if you donate 10 is valid 2 years.

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ok, i wasnt sure if the wording meant 5 euro a month...i'll donate 10 now then. how quickly does this get me the extra access?

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Depends on authors, usually 2-4 days

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Well I did it yesterday anyway, so I will keep my eye out...

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I have my badge now...however, where is the donor area exactly? perhaps im being stupid, but i do not see it...

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Does your paypal email used for the donation have to be the same as your webgrab email?

What do I do after making a donation?

I made a donation two days ago to test how it works then I can donate some more because I really like what you guys have done and I know it took a lot of time to build this up. Well done!!

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Hi, your donator badge is in place now, sorry for the delay

Any more questions?

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No more questions. Thanks.

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Well, this use to be very cool peace of soft, lucking one BIG feature, easy configuration, I have sorted it years ago in my epg grabbing gui autoEPG, which I intended to release the source code but had HDD failure and lost the code

so I made another program for easy config, but will not release it, since I'm really disappointed, by the development here !
I'm ok for paying a licences 5-10 eur for the program, but to pay for every site.ini file 5 eur / years auuuuu, that is just a bit too much,
I know you will say there are only few sites that you need to pay for, maybe now, but wait in a several months, even now to use my config that I made several months ago I need to pay 30 eur for year!

sorry but this is really stupid.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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you miss understood, you don't pay each siteini 5 euro. You make a donation of 5 euro and become donator, you can grab up to 250 channels which is ok for private use, if you need more like 1000 channels then means is not for private use, eventually you can ask for a license. All site ini are available to use, at the moment exception is for 2-3 siteini that we spend weeks to make them or can grab more then 2000 in that case there is an extra donation for now, but as said will probably be replaced by the license. Wonder where did you see each siteini is 5 euro.

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hmm, maybe my bad, but as I can see there are 30 "EK" ini files
and another issue, why the limit of 250 channels
I have around 350 channels in my current list ( from 0.8W to 39E satellites)

how can I get license for more than 250 channels? how much do I need to pay, and I tried to use the program it was asking for encryption for 2 ini files ( for Croatia and Germany )

I'm willing to donate reasonable amount, I know how hard is to make some thing usfull, (I spend almost 10 years developing a soft, and I'm not a programmer ;) )

so how can I get licese for for my channels and how much do I need to donate

here is my current XML

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Again, EK are encrypted with key available to donators the rest "E" or simply encrypted can be run by anyone. As said before 2-3 EK are the exception.
After the introduction of the license basically a donator aka "5 euro a year" can run anything, up to 250 channels,(previous donator can run 1000 channels until donation expire). Who needs more channels can contact the authors, i know they working on number of channels to make it clear.

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well, I see 24 EK ini files, and 11 of the en europe that I will need

defenetelly not 2-3 EK

no matter, who do I need to contact to get more than 250 channels, I will donate, no problem, if it's only that

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Misunderstandings are sometimes hard to kill. But .. no you don't have to donate for each 'EK' marked siteini..

Let me try to summarize what you get for donations :

1. For 5€ you get 1 year donator status, for 10 € 2 years.
2. A donator status includes the 'donator_license' for the same period.
3. This status gives you free access to the donator area of the forum in which all the decryption keys are published. No need to donate again for those keys. Only a very few (those 2 - 3) decryption keys require an additional contribution because of the effort involved to make them and keep updated.
4. For that donator_license the program grabs a maximum of 250 channels , from a maximum of 15 siteini's (encrypted or not) from a maximum of two computers.

If that isn't enough , a user can request a 'custom' license. See

Just mail what you need


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finally clear answer

just donated 10eur

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Hey guys, could you help me. I am using version 3 since it was released and I am dontator. My licence is still basic. I am not able to grab more than 250 channels. Could you help me how to fix this?

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me too ;)

I send mail with request to increase the limit, will wait several days to see what happens ;)

WG++ Team memberDonator
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contact the authors and specify how many you need.

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