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Time offset not working correctly.

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Time offset not working correctly.

I am having problems with osn epg data being out by 1 hour when set to UTC.

So in the ini file I set time offset to UTC-01:00 but in the guide data it sets it to +0000.

If I set it to -02:00 it will set it to -0200.If I set it to -04:00 it will set the guide data to -0300 ?

It seems the offset is off by one from -4 up until -9 same as for the + variant.

Also UTC +01:00 = +0200 in the guide?

If I set timezone= it seems to set a +0100, Is there away to set it to -0100?

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Set back to UTC or what it was run wg2mp (to fix time). Let's see how it goes

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Oh so webgrab cant set -0100 ? is it a known bug?

I am running it in docker and webgrab is getting 10 or so channels epg data for me, Wont wg2mp mess up all the other channel times?

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I'll just set it to -0200 and use sed to correct it

sed -i -e 's/-0200/-0100/g' /data/guide.xml

Blackbear199's picture
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is your local timezone utc-01:00?
if so what I think that's happening is your epg viewing software is not using the timeoffset from your guide.xml.

here's how it should work,
when your software loads the guide.xml it should check the timeoffset for each program(lets say its UTC(-00:00).
lets also say your local timeoffset is UTC-01:00.
your epg software shoeld detect bothof these and say for this program I need to substract 1 hour from the start and stop time so when you view it it appears correct in your local time.
I don't think this is happening.

what wg2mp will do is perform these changes for you and create a new guide.xml(one u actually use,the original guide.xml webgrab creates remains un touched).
it wont mess up other program data as this is performed on each program separately so all programs in your webgrab guide.xml will get converted to your local time.
this is why users should never edit the timezone= setting.
this what will most likely happen...
come fall when DST starts webgrab is most likely change the -01:00 for daylight savings time.
webgrab does this automatically.

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I only seem to have a problem with the osn guide. I had it set to UTC but the guide data was out by one hour.

My timezone is +09:30 so our daylight savings just ended but I have had this problem for a while now.

I dunno what to say maybe is something going on with Xteve when it merges the epg's

Thanks for the reply (again)

Blackbear199's picture
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I checked osn data and your right it is off by 1 hour.
Mat8861 will fix and and upload a new file.

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Thanks for checking.

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Good evening,
I am also quite lost with this timezone problem.
I checked some EPg of BBC1 and Channel 4 which I both grab from and I am one hour behind the schedule. For example, Homeland was planned at 11pm (in Europe) on channel 4 according to EPG but was in fact at 10pm.

As I am grabbing on Linux as a script, what should I do? Is there something to fix in or do I have to use wg2mp? In this latter case, what should come in the .sh script between these 2 lines?
mono /root/.wg++/bin/WebGrab+Plus.exe "/root/.wg++/epg_uk"
cp /root/.wg++/epg_uk/rex/guide_uk.xml /root/.wg++/epg_uk/rex/guide_uk

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Updated siteini radiotimes @Revision 23 - [20/04/2020]

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New grab on its way. Let's see what comes out.

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