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Encrypted ini files when updating site.channels.xml

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Encrypted ini files when updating site.channels.xml

I was unsure as to whether to start a new thread for this or not, so apologies if I have done the wrong thing. I have figured out now I think how I should update the site_id numbers in my site.channels.xml files. I have set up my config.xml file so that update mode is 'c' and only included a dummy channel listing.

I have then gone to the site.ini file for a couple of scrapers and amended them so as to:

1) Remove all code not relating to '@auto_xml_channel'.
2) Uncommented the lines between '@auto_xml_channel_start' and '@auto_xml_channel_end'.

After that I kick off Run.exe and check the response via the command line. As you can see from the attached, I am now getting an error that the site.ini files are encrypted.

I don't understand. I'm only trying to get an updated list of site_id's so I can run the scraper. Am I doing something wrong, or do you need to make a donation to get an up to date list of channel site_id's? I'm now running v3 of the .exe and have downloaded and unpacked the most up to date site.ini pack from the WG+ download area...


WG++ Team memberDonator
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here :
there 2 methods. Encrypted works only with update "c" so if you modified is useless, you brake encryption.

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Last seen: 2 years

Hi - yes, I read that page and all the documentation extensively, but i am still quite confused. if you are saying that the following steps should work:

1) Choose update method 'c'.
2) Do not alter the .ini at all.
3) Put a dummy channel line into the config.xml, with one line per .ini file.
4) Run the executable.

...the it didn't work. The executable ran, but the 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\site.ini\\site.channels.xml' did not update for my chosen scraper.

Also, I obviously know what the word encryption means, however, in the context of WG+ what is actually being encrypted? I can read the .ini and channels.xml files fine in a text editor...please help...

WG++ Team memberDonator
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I don't think that m-tv guide full is encrypted so to find out what's wrong post your files.

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Ok - after some initial confusion as to what parts of the online documentation refer to the old and the new method, I have no got the channel.xml files to update successfully.

It appears I then made a basic error...I expected the updated site.channels.xml files to write to 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\siteini.pack\UK'...however they actually wrote to ''C:\Users\\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\'... is my config.xml file. What do I need to amend in here so that the updated site.channels.xml files write to the correct location? I could write more Python code of my own the moves them, but is there an option in the config file to specifiy this?

Blackbear199's picture
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new channel.xml files are always written to the same directory as your webgrab++.config.xml
it cant be changed as it fixed in the code.
I assume this is done to prevent a broken channel.xml creation section from over writeing the existing one with no data.

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Ok, in that case then I will write some additional scripting the archives the old .xml files and moves the new ones into their place myself. Will be good to finally have this up and running! Thanks.

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Could anyone here me to extract epg from I have attached the log file for reference.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 12 hours

it is encrypted so the first step is become donator. I sent you a pm

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