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Last seen: 3 weeks trouble

Formerly registered and recently active,i'm like a lot of French speakers, I waiting for a team of geniuses to solve the canalsat problem (too difficult for me)
I tried telepoche, but I have a problem, which can seem simple to you to solve if it is a problem of parameter setting and as nobody speaks about this problem, I suppose that it comes from me, from a configuration? :
impossible to have the programs after midnight, the last program which starts before midnight ends at the first program of the next morning, so that I can end up with a program which lasts 2 / 4h until the morning and no programs of the night.

I tried under Windows and in script from my synology but identical problem.
for example: program start = "20200204233500 +0100" stop = "20200205062500 +0100" channel = "TF1"

I like to solve the problems by myself but there, between the fall of telerama and canalsat, telepoche ini encrypted and my lack of experience: I have no idea!! :(
Thank you to the kind souls of this site.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 11 hours

Exactly that's how site is. If you check and set 0-3h you will see that no shows are present at that time. Last show is right after midnight and first is aroung 4-6 in the morning. So nothing wrong. Try other siteini, i am in the process to have a general review

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 3 weeks

I should have started by looking the site! haha: I never thought the error came from website, it's completely illogical and I thought it came from me. Thanks for your help, next time I'll start there!
I have not really had my happiness with the other guide / ini (either random grab problem: or it does not work: sfr), except orange guide which works, but it misses a lot of channel. Thanks again for opening my eyes

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