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Schedules Direct ini problem "no index page data received"

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Schedules Direct ini problem "no index page data received"

I have the latest version of webgrab++ and i am on windows 10 x64.

The problem i am experiencing is with the schedulesdirect. when i add my login info to the ini and add the dummy entry to the config.xml. i run webgrab++ and get the following error:
Job started at 16/07/2019 09:20:47
found: C:\Users\no0bz\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\siteini.pack\International\ -- Revision 03
processing C:\Users\no0bz\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\guide.xml ...
Found existing channel (xmltv_id=dummy) in the config file

i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new

Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) SCHEDULESDIRECT.ORG -- chan. (xmltv_id=dummy) -- mode Force
Unable to update channel dummy
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from dummy
unable to update channel, try again later
Existing guide data restored!

Job finished at 16/07/2019 09:20:49 done in 1s

i am not sure how to proceed and any help would be very much appreciated.

if i need to give any more info please just let me knw

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the ini hasn't changed.
when u say your using the latest wg need the latest beta(2.1.9 or above) as anything below wont work due to a webgrab bug(unless you go back to 2.0.1 or below).

beta versions are here..

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thank you good sir, i had even read that page but didnt read that last comment i dont reckon. again thank you but sadly my SD trial has expired. i think ill subscribe to it for a month and check it out. ive written my own tv guide using wxwidgets and it works wonderful, but the xmltv from my provider SUCKS DONKEY DICKS

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well you don't need schedules direct for canada/usa.
tvpassport can get both and its here free.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

well you don't need schedules direct for canada/usa.
tvpassport can get both and its here free.

Do you have a current ini and channels.xml for tvpassport? Can't find one in the site.ini package on this site.

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check International folder

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Yes, I found it there, but it does not seem to cover USA channels. There are mainly Canada channels in the channel.xml file. I am not quite sure how users are getting so many USA channels considering there hardly seem to be any that exist in the existing channel.xml file in that folder.

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Schedule Direct creates channels based on your account lineups, so first add lineups to your account, then add user and password to siteini and run channel list (instructions in schedulesdirect.org_info.txt) Example for the following lineups:
80127, US Local Broadcast Listings - Antenna LocalBroadcast
10001 USA, US AFN Satellite - Satellite Satellite
10001 USA, US DISH Network - Satellite Satellite
10001 USA, US DIRECTV - Satellite
You will get the attached channel list.

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Thanks for the info. I followed for the instructions for generating the channel list but it is failing with both running the c and the method to uncomment the ini file. I run into the no index error message.

I am running version 2.11 and I have read feedback where it's suggested to toll back to version 2 for the old method.

Nonetheless, I am.struglling to create the channel list.

Can you please share which method you used to generate the channel.xml file and which version of the program you have?

Unfortunately a lot of the instructions do ot include examples for the later version of webgrab.

Thanks for sharing.

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like i already mentioned, login to schedule direct, add lineups to your account, run channel list after adding your personal user and password to siteini.
Some pics attached

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mat8861 wrote:

like i already mentioned, login to schedule direct, add lineups to your account, run channel list after adding your personal user and password to siteini.
Some pics attached

Thank you for sharing that. I have followed your screenshots and the only changes I made was to the config file. I also made sure to uncomment url_index.headers {credentials=username,password} and url_index.headers {credentials=pedrobmat,bmatbmat} line in the ini file.

However, this is the rror it returned:

Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) SCHEDULESDIRECT.ORG -- chan. (xmltv_id=dummy) -- mode Channellist
Unable to update channel dummy
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from dummy
unable to update channel, try again later
Existing guide data restored!

I have attached screenshots to show my settings as well. I am not sure why it is unable to create the channel list still. What could I be missing?

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url_index.headers {credentials=pedrobmat,bmatbmat} are an example !!
you need to comment (add * in front of the line)to the one used as example, then leave without asterics the good one. Example of credential, one line only:
url_index.headers {,password}
So my mail and my password are the user/password i use to login to schedule-direct.
In your picture1 you disabled the good and enabled the example one!!

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Yes, I realized that mistake after my post. But to no avail, it keeps coming back with the exact same error. If you don't mind, I can share my logging for you to test on your end. I need to understand if it's a problem with my account or version of webgrab 2.1.11

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As BlackBear199 suggested you would probably be better off with tvpassport. It is in the international folder. It requires a few steps to get the channel list xml:

1. You must create a providers list using your zip code. This requires uncommeting the providers section of the ini and using a dummy (sample in the ini remember to replace your zip) in the webgrabplus config then running webgraplus which will create an xml file with a list of available providers.

2. Next you must re-comment the providers section and uncomment the channels section (last section)

3. Now add the provider of choice from the xml created in step 1 to the webgrabplus config replacing the other dummy and run webgrabplus

3. Next you recomment the channels section

4. Finally you create your new webgrabplus config from the new xml list created in step 3 and you are good to go.

These steps are clearly noted in the tvpassport.ini file in siteini.pack/international folder.

I just finished following these steps with the latest beta of webgrabplus and the latest download of siteini.pack and it works flawlessly.

Hope this helps

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julian wrote:

As BlackBear199 suggested you would probably be better off with tvpassport. It is in the international folder. It requires a few steps to get the channel list xml:
1. You must create a providers list using your zip code. This requires uncommeting the providers section of the ini and using a dummy (sample in the ini remember to replace your zip) in the webgrabplus config then running webgraplus which will create an xml file with a list of available providers.
2. Next you must re-comment the providers section and uncomment the channels section (last section)
3. Now add the provider of choice from the xml created in step 1 to the webgrabplus config replacing the other dummy and run webgrabplus
3. Next you recomment the channels section
4. Finally you create your new webgrabplus config from the new xml list created in step 3 and you are good to go.
These steps are clearly noted in the tvpassport.ini file in siteini.pack/international folder.
I just finished following these steps with the latest beta of webgrabplus and the latest download of siteini.pack and it works flawlessly.
Hope this helps

Thank you for the guide. I managed to get the schedulesdirect channel list to populate and the issue may have been with the credentials. I simply created a new password on the site and I got past the error.

Regarding a lot of these instructions in the folders, some of the information is either antiquated to an older version of WebGrab or it skips some steps that it presupposes the end-user already knows. So I am still working through the learning curve.

It would be helpful if the instructions included working example files that the user could follow along. Because the generic examples make it more difficult to identify when things go wrong, where a working example would at least allow the user to create a predictable outcome. mat8861's screenshots were very helpful in that respect because I know he was sharing an example that worked for him.

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julian wrote:

As BlackBear199 suggested you would probably be better off with tvpassport. It is in the international folder. It requires a few steps to get the channel list xml:
1. You must create a providers list using your zip code. This requires uncommeting the providers section of the ini and using a dummy (sample in the ini remember to replace your zip) in the webgrabplus config then running webgraplus which will create an xml file with a list of available providers.
2. Next you must re-comment the providers section and uncomment the channels section (last section)
3. Now add the provider of choice from the xml created in step 1 to the webgrabplus config replacing the other dummy and run webgrabplus
3. Next you recomment the channels section
4. Finally you create your new webgrabplus config from the new xml list created in step 3 and you are good to go.
These steps are clearly noted in the tvpassport.ini file in siteini.pack/international folder.
I just finished following these steps with the latest beta of webgrabplus and the latest download of siteini.pack and it works flawlessly.
Hope this helps

I seem to only be able to produce the same channels in the site.ini folder. I chose several providers from various zip codes, but I continue to produce the exact same channel list. Any ideas?

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julian wrote:

As BlackBear199 suggested you would probably be better off with tvpassport. It is in the international folder. It requires a few steps to get the channel list xml:
1. You must create a providers list using your zip code. This requires uncommeting the providers section of the ini and using a dummy (sample in the ini remember to replace your zip) in the webgrabplus config then running webgraplus which will create an xml file with a list of available providers.
2. Next you must re-comment the providers section and uncomment the channels section (last section)
3. Now add the provider of choice from the xml created in step 1 to the webgrabplus config replacing the other dummy and run webgrabplus
3. Next you recomment the channels section
4. Finally you create your new webgrabplus config from the new xml list created in step 3 and you are good to go.
These steps are clearly noted in the tvpassport.ini file in siteini.pack/international folder.
I just finished following these steps with the latest beta of webgrabplus and the latest download of siteini.pack and it works flawlessly.
Hope this helps

Just wanted to say thanks so much for this! You saved my butt now that direct tv ini wasnt working. Thank you!

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