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Error run wg++

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Error run wg++


Can you please help me with these error

Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'WGconsole.Program' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: /usr/lib/../lib/
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop+Sys.Stat(byte&,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&)
at Interop+Sys.Stat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] path, Interop+Sys+FileStatus& output) [0x00028] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.IO.FileSystem.FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] fullPath, System.Int32 fileType, Interop+ErrorInfo& errorInfo) [0x00007] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.IO.FileSystem.FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] fullPath) [0x00006] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.IO.File.Exists (System.String path) [0x00043] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.TryLoadTzFile (System.String tzFilePath, System.Byte[]& rawData, System.String& id) [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.TryGetLocalTzFile (System.Byte[]& rawData, System.String& id) [0x0000f] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.GetLocalTimeZoneFromTzFile () [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.GetLocalTimeZone (System.TimeZoneInfo+CachedData cachedData) [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo+CachedData.CreateLocal () [0x00018] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo+CachedData.get_Local () [0x0000c] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.get_Local () [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.GetDateTimeNowUtcOffsetFromUtc (System.DateTime time, System.Boolean& isAmbiguousLocalDst) [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.DateTime.get_Now () [0x00008] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at WGconsole.Program..cctor () [0x0003c] in <274ad6f9740e441a95b86a1d1148edca>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'WGconsole.Program' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: /usr/lib/../lib/
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop+Sys.Stat(byte&,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&)
at Interop+Sys.Stat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] path, Interop+Sys+FileStatus& output) [0x00028] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.IO.FileSystem.FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] fullPath, System.Int32 fileType, Interop+ErrorInfo& errorInfo) [0x00007] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.IO.FileSystem.FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] fullPath) [0x00006] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.IO.File.Exists (System.String path) [0x00043] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.TryLoadTzFile (System.String tzFilePath, System.Byte[]& rawData, System.String& id) [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.TryGetLocalTzFile (System.Byte[]& rawData, System.String& id) [0x0000f] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.GetLocalTimeZoneFromTzFile () [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.GetLocalTimeZone (System.TimeZoneInfo+CachedData cachedData) [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo+CachedData.CreateLocal () [0x00018] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo+CachedData.get_Local () [0x0000c] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.get_Local () [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.TimeZoneInfo.GetDateTimeNowUtcOffsetFromUtc (System.DateTime time, System.Boolean& isAmbiguousLocalDst) [0x00000] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at System.DateTime.get_Now () [0x00008] in <81342d83acda4c5590ec19c7afdf26b9>:0
at WGconsole.Program..cctor () [0x0003c] in <274ad6f9740e441a95b86a1d1148edca>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 16 hours

without knowing what are you running is difficult, so first make sure mono version 5 or more

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 4 years

After update from version 5 to 6 and start i get these msg

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 16 hours

If you can attach WebGrab++.log.txt would be helpful

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 27 min

his problem is this..

System.DllNotFoundException: /usr/lib/../lib/

did u install mono-complete when u installed mono?

a full mono install is not necessary but its the simpliest way to avoid these problems if you do not know what you are doing.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 4 years

Yes before upgrade package it is work perfect,after upgrade not working
first pic check available pkg for upgrade
second pic install upgrade
and most important is pic 3

after i try to install upgrade

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 27 min

it look like your selecting individual files.are u using ubuntu repo's?
if you are then you should use mono's repo and the newer version(> 5.0.0) is need for some https sites.

go here..

install the repo and do the update as per step 1.

for step 2 don't do what it says(sudo apt install mono-devel),run this instead..

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 4 years

yes i try ,but get msg like pic 3

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 27 min

run this in terminal to completely remove mono,then reinstall as I said above.

sudo apt remove --purge --auto-remove mono-runtime

it looks like this error is cause from a mix of old/new files as this library was renamed,see here for more..

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