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Error on macOS

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Error on macOS

I can't generated the XML I always get this error:

WG.Common.InvalidConfigException: [Error ] Doesn't exist
at WGconsole.Config..ctor (System.String ConfigurationFilePath) [0x000b6] in <274ad6f9740e441a95b86a1d1148edca>:0

I already deleted everything and reinstalled everything but I keep getting that error, I can't find a solution
any advice

I'm using only one site to test:


I haven't modified the site.ini or the channels.xml

Blackbear199's picture
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rename WebGrab++.config.example.xml to WebGrab++.config.xml

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It Worked I also changed the folder: siteini.pack.update to siteini.pack and it worked.

Blackbear199's picture
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Bllq21 wrote:

It Worked I also changed the folder: siteini.pack.update to siteini.pack and it worked.

there is something wrong with the install script for mac os as it shud have copied and renamed the config file for you.
it shud have also copied and renamed the siteini.pack folder to what u did manually.

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I just installed again to start from scratch and I got this error :

MacBook-Pro-de-Bryan:TV brian$ ~/.wg++/
==> installing WebGrab++.config.xml
cp: WebGrab++.config.example.xml: No such file or directory
==> installing mdb/mdb.config.xml
cp: mdb/mdb.config.example.xml: No such file or directory
==> installing rex/rex.config.xml
cp: rex/rex.config.example.xml: No such file or directory
==> DONE

That's why does files you tell me to rename didn't existed.
I hope this gets fixed on the newer beta

Blackbear199's picture
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i have no knowledge on mac os as i think they r way to expensive for me.
is their run as admin on it like windows,its the only reason that the install script cud not perform its operations,it may be broken also.
i have no idea as i never used a mac...

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Blackbear199 wrote:

i have no knowledge on mac os as i think they r way to expensive for me.
is their run as admin on it like windows,its the only reason that the install script cud not perform its operations,it may be broken also.
i have no idea as i never used a mac...

It's quite similar to Debian (Linux) in some aspects
maybe if I had used: sudo ~/.wg++/
I wouldn't have had that problem

Blackbear199's picture
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worse case scenario
u can force webgrab to use what file path u want

again no idea on mac os on how to call mono but on linux i use this for ex..


cd /raid/NAS_WebGrab

/raid/module/mono/sys/bin/mono WebGrab+Plus.exe "$(pwd)"

"$(pwd)" in linux says use same directory as webgrab.exe

what u use in mac os i dunno.
i have to wait to win lottery to afford one.

Blackbear199's picture
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Bllq21 wrote:

Blackbear199 wrote:
i have no knowledge on mac os as i think they r way to expensive for me.
is their run as admin on it like windows,its the only reason that the install script cud not perform its operations,it may be broken also.
i have no idea as i never used a mac...

It's quite similar to Debian (Linux) in some aspects
maybe if I had used: sudo ~/.wg++/
I wouldn't have had that problem

that wud make sense but also it shud have been mentioned by the creator
having something installed as root permission is bad,eps application.

Blackbear199's picture
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mind u on linux its installs wg in users home directory so no root user is needed so again i have nom idea on mac os filesystem.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

mind u on linux its installs wg in users home directory so no root user is needed so again i have nom idea on mac os filesystem.

Same, it's installed on the user directory but you can installed anywhere.

I'll try to install it again with sudo to see if that helps for future references.

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