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episode numbers for nextpvr

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episode numbers for nextpvr

I want to get WebGrab Plus to grab the episode number as S00E00 instead of E000.
by the way, I am using
And if there is no way to get it like that, can I get a fixed season for every show, for example, S02E06 will be S1E206.
Because NextPVR can't rename files properly with E000.

Blackbear199's picture
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there is no season info for,just episode number.

disable the existing episode.scrub line(add * to beginning of the line) and add the the 3 below it as show below.
also make sure near the top of the ini on the site {xx} line episodesystem=onscreen

*episode.scrub {regex(pattern="'E1'")||\\"EpisodeNo\\":\\"([1-9]\d*)\\",||}
episode.scrub {regex||\\"EpisodeNo\\":\\"([1-9]\d*)\\",||}
episode.modify {calculate(not "" format=D2)}
episode.modify {addstart(not "")|S00E}

on the last line u can change S00E to whatever you want to have before the actual episode number that scrubbed from the site.
ex,say episode number 2 was scrubbed from the site
S00E ==> S00E02
S00E1 => S00E102

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Is there a way to change it from onscreen to xmltv_ns.
Even if it is by a batch file(.bat).

Blackbear199's picture
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dont make any changes to the ini as i said above.
just change episodesystem=onscreen to episodesystem=xmltv_ns on the site {xx} line and webgrab will convert it for you.

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I have changed it to xmltv_ns
still getting episode number like this
(episode-num system="xmltv_ns")(E219)(/episode-num)
And when I used the code above
(episode-num system="xmltv_ns")S00E219(/episode-num)

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post ur ini and webgrab log file

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I have tried it with a new ini file that I haven't edited and now it shows episode numbers like this
(episode-num system="xmltv_ns").117.(/episode-num)

Blackbear199's picture
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that wud be correct for xmltv_ns format

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When I enable the S00E00 renaming option from NextPVR
Will it be like this S01E118 or S01E18?

Blackbear199's picture
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that is onscreen format,according to goran u shud not have todo this if nextpvr accepts xmltv_ns format.
myself i have no idea as i dont use nextpvr. is a crappy site for doing this but you do not have much choice in this case.
because it provides episode number only and no season number there is no way to tell S1E1 apart from S2E1,or any or season number E1

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bader515 wrote:

When I enable the S00E00 renaming option from NextPVR
Will it be like this S01E118 or S01E18?

if you use what i posted above it will be whatever you set the S00E part to for the beginning.episode number ifo will be a 2 digit number,ex 02.

read the post again more closely,i explained all this.

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Sorry for disturbing you,
but is there a way to get it from E105 to 00.04.00 or at least 00.104.00 to be compatible with NextPVR?
I mean to add zeros before and after the episode number because I still could not get it to work with NextPVR.

Blackbear199's picture
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well it wud all have to be done manually ur episode.scrub line remove (pattern="'E1'")
2. after the episode.modify {clear("0")} line add

loop{('episode' not "" max=1)|2}
episode.modify {calculate(format=D2)|1 -}
episode.modify {set|00.'episode'.00}

also if u wanted any number add to the episode number just add it as x on this line..

episode.modify {set|00.x'episode'.00}

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My last question,
Can I get webgrab plus to separate episode number to 2 values the first one is the season and it's the first digit and the second is episode and it's the second and the third digits?
I mean it grabs the episode number like this 101 I want it to get the season value as 01 and the episode value as 01
then subtract one of each of them to get them on this pattern for the xmltv_ns
episode.modify {set|'season'.'episode'.00}

Blackbear199's picture
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but the season value will be fixed.

instead of doing what i said above..

episode.modify {set|00.'episode'.00}

do this..

episode.modify {set|xx.'episode'.00}

so if u want all episodes to have a value of season 1(onscreen),xmltv_ns format is 1 - this value

so 00.01.00

in onscreen value would be S01E02

so u can change the leading 00. above to whatever u want.

episode.modify {set|01.'episode'.00}

converted to onscreen format would be S2Ex where x is the episode number.

we have to remember that we are doing this manually.

when its done by webgrab internally there are no leading zeros for single digit numbers.
removeing the pattern="xxx" disables the ability for webgrab to convert it internally.

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but in my case
the result for ep119 is S01EP119 and in the XML file its also 00.119.00
it is not subtracting one from it

Blackbear199's picture
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if u added this..

loop{('episode' not "" max=1)|2}
episode.modify {calculate(format=D2)|1 -}
episode.modify {set|00.'episode'.00}

it has tgo be 1 less.
edit to ur desire

there is no way that what the site shows has the same episode number as the above subtracts 1 from it.

if in doubt add debug..

episode.modify {calculate(debug format=D2)|1 -}

check ur wg log
and u shud see where its subtracted.

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Sorry I meant for ep119 it renames the file as S01E120 and in the XML file 00.119.00
I will try the last code you have posted and I will check again

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