is anyone interested in creating a ini for Telekom Entertain?
The URL for EPG data is: https://mobil.entertaintv.de/EPG/#
is anyone interested in creating a ini for Telekom Entertain?
The URL for EPG data is: https://mobil.entertaintv.de/EPG/#
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
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I also played a little with it.
We problem is, we need to generate a valid cookie "on the fly", because it's valid for just a few minutes.
Next thing is, we need read the "X_CSRFToken" from response and put it into the request header.
@kvanc, are you providing your ini and php just for donotars?
i agree with you
Can you send me the updated file via pm? The donator page is empty :/
I am hoping as well, that you can provide the ini-file via PM or upload again to the donators section, as all uploads before december 2018 are deleted.
Where can I find the file?
I try to find teh correct side ID:
Please help: Is this the side ID for CHannel XML:
Can please someone update ini… today I got only this message:
Info ] ( 1/14 ) MOBIL.ENTERTAINTV.DE -- chan. (xmltv_id=Tele 5) -- mode Incremental
[Error ] no shows in indexpage!
Try Chance the url to web.magentatv.de
I change:
url_index {url||channel|&date=|urldate|&time=####&type=1}
but dont work :-(
Please upload your complete site.ini and channels.xml and ?php file?
I dont have it here,
Telekom did some minor url changes last night. Should be easy to fix.
u have a old php file(site now uses a token which yours does not get),ask the creator for the current one.
i surprised it worked this long as this changed some time ago..
i didnt check ur ini to see if that ok,i assume it is...
thanks @Blackbear199
@kvanc can you please check my php file which is work very well till yesterday...
i think the problem is to recive the first xcsrf token in php script.
i try to fix that for my self, but it doesnt work anyway.
the token isnt on the page ur using(sceenshot 1).
the token isnt in the cookie,its in the response data and it has to be retrieved and add ad a header in all future requests like getting epg,channel list,ect(screenshot 2)
thx for your response,
what i can see is, that CSRFSESSION is the same like xcsrf token.
with phantomjs, im able to recive the token on https://web.magentatv.de/EPG/
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('https://web.magentatv.de/EPG/', function (status) {
page.evaluate(function() {
with this token, recived from phantom, im able to recive an "vaild" token from https://web.magentatv.de/EPG/JSON/Authenticate
and with this vaild token , im able to recive all feature requests...
so now im a little bit confused, wrong url for curl usage ?
ok,if u can get the token and its correct it dont matter what page you use.
once u have this the rest shud be easy for you,just add the token as a header(see screenshot 2 above) for epg or channel list requests.see ur code above has header stuff being sent already so just add another for the token.
the promlem is, curl dont recive the first token on /EPG , needed for the second ( authenticate step.)
what i mean is, same url , but with phantomjs, the token is recived
okay, i figured it out, curl recive the first token
you annoy me :)
i cant wait :)
maybe u can geve me a tip, I think I'm 99% on target, right ?
Nice community...
i figured ot out, it works now like a charm with php proxy ;)
Thx blackbear for your tips.
By my side the ini from donator side is not working. i rename the txt. to php and it´s doesent run. did i have to fill more text in the php file in section dir?
no i´m using windows.
NO i´m using normal windows version. is it possible to used the ini without a special server version of windows? or what did you mean?
XAMPP is good choice
Hi, me again,
my ini is also nearly ready to use,
small question, is it possible to replace small chars in large chars ? (country string)
index_country.scrub {single|"country":"||",|",}
scrub result is de , us ect... it would be nicer to have it like : DE , US
Thx, that worked :)
Stargate: SG-1
Das SG-1 Team befindet sich als Berater an Bord des Raumschiffs Prometheus, als dieses zu einen Testflug durch den Hyperraum startet. Als Komplikationen auftreten, überhitzt der Reaktor und sie müssen auf dem Planeten P3X-744 notlanden. Dieser soll angeblich ein Stargate besitzen, durch das eine Rückkehr auf die Erde möglich sein könnte. Die Bewohner des Planeten geben an, nichts von einem Stargate zu wissen. Die Nachforschungen gestalten sich schwierig für Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) und seine Leute, da alle historischen Dokumente von der.
Richard Dean Anderson
Amanda Tapping
Christopher Judge
Don S. Davis
Teryl Rothery
next question:
how do i scrub the HD Poster (1920x1080) ?
index_showicon.scrub {single|"image"|"href":"|"|}}
scrubs the first (most 1440x1080) not wanted poster.
thx kvanc :)
1 last question, is it possible to cut all the stuff after, and including "Darsteller" "Altersfreigabe" from the description ?
desc lang="de">Frankreich 2016
Kurz nachdem seine Frau Iris in Paris spurlos verschwunden ist, erhält Geschäftsmann Antoine den Anruf eines Erpressers. Dieser droht, die Frau zu töten, und fordert ein hohes Lösegeld.
Die Polizei beginnt zu ermitteln. Doch bei der vermeintlichen Entführung handelt es sich anscheinend um ein perfides Täuschungsmanöver. Hat Antoine etwas mit dem Verschwinden seiner Frau zu tun? Oder hat Iris selbst die Entführung nur inszeniert?
Max Lopez - Romain Duris
Claudia - Charlotte Le Bon
Antoine Doriot - Jalil Lespert
Nathalie Vasseur - Camille Cottin
Malek Ziani - Adel Bencherif
Nina Lopez - Sophie Verbeeck
Regie: Jalil Lespert
Kamera: Pierre-Yves Bastard
Musik: Dustin O'Halloran, Adam Wiltzie
Altersfreigabe: 16./desc>
some channels, like ard, zdf have this ufly stuff included in "introduce"
i scrape the description with :
index_description.scrub {single|"introduce":"||","|","}
not always :/
sometimes that stuff is at the beginning
esc lang="de">Regie: Prabhu Deva, Darsteller: Mahesh Manjrekar, Prakash Raj, Ayesha Takia. Bollywood-Beau Salman Khan in einem weiteren Kassenschlager: Wanted war der zweiterfolgreichste Film Asiens im Jahr 2009. Fitnesstrainerin Jhanvi (Ayesha Takia) hat mit der Unterwelt nichts am Hut, bis sie den mysteriösen Gangster Radhe (Khan) kennenlernt: Ein Kopfgeldjäger ohne Skrupel, der ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt. Jadhe verliebt sich auf der Stelle, und auch Jhanvi kann ihre Gefühle bald nicht länger verleugnen. Der perverse Ermittler Talpede (Manesh Manjrekar) ist ebenso an Jhanvi interessiert, und bedroht ihre Mutter, um sie zur Heirat zu zwingen. In der gefährlichen Welt von Radhe und Talpede zählt nicht das Recht des Stärkeren, sondern der Stärkere hat Recht. Ein erbittertes Spiel um Leben, Tod und Liebe entbrennt - nur zwei der drei Spieler können überleben.