You are here only one day grab

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Hello since yesterday only possible to grap 1 day by

Did you know it why?

Blackbear199's picture
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the reason is u prob updated to 2.1.7 and it has a bug in the timespan,days calculation(it returns h:m instead of d:h:m)
this only affects ini that use timespan,days to calculate the end date.
so u need to think how to solve this...

took me all of a few minutes to diagnose the problem and the cure...

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OK . Yes your Right with Version 2.1.5 runs perfect.
I will wait for a solution from you. THX

Blackbear199's picture
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u wont get any solution from me,ur learning webgrab so figure out ur own solution.
no body learns anything when given the answer.

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"took me all of a few minutes to diagnose the problem and the cure…"

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I have no idear where i ahve to start to clean this Problem. please Need help

Blackbear199's picture
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add debug to ur calculations and the problem is in plain sight.
read what i said above..again.

i have discussed this with the creator and he feels this is working correctly.
if this is the case then everything in the current manual is now wrong regrarding calculating timespan,days..

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all tries failed till now. i have try to Change the <> not work, i have try to Change the ini, flailed.
I don´t know what i can Change any more

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I have add the text from the Manual from page 47. But Nothing is happened. What i´m doing wrong?

Blackbear199's picture
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as i said,all you need todo is debug...

index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=F1)|'config_timespan_days'}
its result is a decimal value of the number of days you want to grab 0.0 - 13.0(for this site)

from here i will use 1 day as the number of days you are grabbing.

index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=timespan,days)}
this converts the number above to a timespan and where the problem is..

V2.1.7 ===> 1:0 (1 hour and 0 minutes)

V2.1.5(and below) ===> 1:0:0 (1 day 0 hours and 0 minutes)

see ur problem now?

i referred to this as a bug in my post above but talking to Jan he feels this is the correct way to handle it.
i explained that this will lead to confusion as any ini thats updated to use 2.1.7 will not return the correct results for anyone using wg version 2.1.5 and below(including the official stable releases).

now one cud argue that why ini have a location for the creator to add the min wg version number required.
indeed thats why its there for things like this.

so how to fix this? u have a few options..

1. convert the hours to days for wg 2.1.7(this makes the ini not compatible with wg 2.1.5 and below)
2. manually format the string to be added to the urldate

method 1.

times the number of days by 24 before you convert it to timespan,days
index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=F1)|'config_timespan_days' 24 *}

timespan,days input/result 24.0 ==> 1:0:0

we dont add one day for this site because the start and stop date for the first day use the same date.
look at the url_index and u will see the start time is 00:00 and stop time is 23:59.
if we added 1 day then when u ask for 1 day epg you would get 1 addition day of epg(in this case 2)

for site that do require a additional day you can do both steps in 1..
index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=F1)|'config_timespan_days' 1 + 24 *}

method 2.

this will make the ini compatible with 2.1.5 or below.

first we want our days value as a whole number so we use F0 instead of F1 like we did above.
index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=F0)|'config_timespan_days'}

result ===> 1,2,3,4,5,ect

we do not perform timespan,days conversion on this value(it would not work correctly if you tried because timespan,days expects a decimal input like 1.0,2.0,3.0 and not 1,2,3).

when this value is added to the urldate we manually format the string to be added..
index_temp_2.modify {calculate(format=date,yyyy-MM-dd)|'urldate' 'index_variable_element':0:0 +}

'index_variable_element':0:0 ==> 1:0:0,ect. the exact same result timespan,days would return.

problem clear as mud now?

method 2 is not ideal as it leaves room for human input error but once u understand how it all works either way isnt all that difficult.

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First i would like to say thank you for this Solutions,Support and the time to write a great big article. It will help so much useres with the same issue.

OK Blackbear, that´s hard stuff for a newbie., but i have understanding the differents between both ini´s ( timespan) My solution is Method 1, because

1) i Need Version 14/03/2019 - V2.1.7 (beta) for decrypt function
2) i used 4 different ini´s to craete my XML file
3) i Always grab for 6 days each channels/ini´s

My solution is to Change ( config_timespan_days' 240 +) this was helpfully and i get a 6 days EPG.

Now i will try to modify to get Methode 2. But for the Moment is the wolrd a Little bit beder.

Blackbear199's picture
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all you need to know is the difference between 2.1.7 and 2.15 and earlier with regards to timespan,days calculation.

2.1.7 expects the input to be in hours and format=F1,1.0,2.0(1 hour,2 hours) or 24.0,48.0( 1 day, 2 days)

element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,days)|1.0} ==> 0:1:0 (1 hour d:h:m)
element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,hours)|1.0} ==> 1:0 (1 hour h:m)

element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,days)|24.0} ==> 1:0:0 (1 day d:h:m)
element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,hours)|24.0} ==> 0:0 (1 day 0 hrs and 0 min but because u asked for the result in h:m the days is omitted)

2.1.5 and below takes the whole decimal value as days or hours depending on what u ask for...

element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,days)|1.0} ==> 1:0:0 (1 day d:h:m)
element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,hours)|1.0} ==> 1:0 (1 hour h:m)

element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,days)|24.0} ==> 24:0:0 (24 days d:h:m)
element.modify {calcluate(format=timespan,hours)|24.0} ==> 0:0 (1 day 0 hrs and 0 min but because u asked for the result in h:m the days is omitted)

( config_timespan_days' 240 +)
it totally wrong in you thinking.

here's why..

say u want 1 days epg

element.modify calculate(format=F1)|'config_timespan_days' 240 +} or 0 + 240 = 240.0(remember we want the result as F1)
wg 2.1.7 converts this into timepspan,days to 10:0:0(240.0/24 = 10 days)

so 10 days is added to ur urldate not 6

so already the result is not what u want,now say u want 2 day epg
1 + 240 = 241.0
converted to timespan,days = 241.0/24 = 10:1:0(10 days 1 hour 0 minutes)

the correct way for 6 days epg with wg 2.1.7 is as i showed you above(set timespan=6 in mg config.xml)

element.modify calculate(format=F1)|'config_timespan_days' 24 *} or 6 * 24 = 144.0

converted to timespan,days 144.0/6 = 6:0:0(6 days 0 hours 0 minutes)

its gets even more confusing than this when u want to try adding 2 times together

say u had 22:15 + 02:00

these wud first need to be converted to decimal..
element.modify {calculate(format=F2)} 22:15 ==> 22.25 and 02:00 ==> 2.00

as u can see we need to calculate to 2 decimal places(F2) when converting fractions of a hour to a decimal value.

we can use F2 in our config_timespan_days also above and get the same result but we dont need to as the timespan value is never a fraction(part of a day).

adding these values.

as timespan,days 0:22:15 + 0:2:0 = 1:0:15 (1 day 0 hours 15 min)
as timespan,hours 0:22:15 + 0:2:0 = 0:15 (0 hours 15 min,the days is omitted because u asked only for the h:m result)

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Thanks BlackBear199 !! I am sure "fliyer" was asking himself how do i get it to work ?? and now he understood...all of that. Top of the class explanation. I must say "No Trump !! I want BlackBear199 for president !!!" Question is 2.1.7 or 2.1.5 ?? almost like to be or not to be or better 3.0 ? (sounds better after 2.0) ;)

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Hi yesterday i saw a new wonder.
Please take a look on the screen. You will see 3 channels and 2 channels show the correct EPG and 1 channel (discovery) is wrong. Why is it?
It´s not a problem for me , i can set the EPG shift with IPTVEdit for all unexact channels. But for my interest why?

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They change some channels after new running. For example: All chnanels with time correction +02:00 are wrong.
But not all time the same channels. Very interested.

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I don´t know why but i have the same problem with other ini´s too. i have upgrade to Version 2.1.5 and the same result. different ini´s and the same issue. Some channels have wrong times. TVDigital also.

Blackbear199's picture
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you shud fry ur brain reading...

APPENDIX B Times, time-zones and DST corrections

its at page 65.

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But why they change only some channels in one ini file and why is this since yesterda? i have no change in the ini files. has the same issue

Blackbear199's picture
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i have no idea what your talking about.
discovery channel looks fine to me on tvdigital..

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The xml is correct but the EPG view wrong. And yesterday i have some channels with wron EPG on perfect player.

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some channels get +01:00 and some get +02:00.
Thats are from one ini file Vodafone for example

Discovery Channel has by my ini +2:00

Blackbear199's picture
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did u read about DST?

you dont understand whats going on,after tonight when you DST starts everything will go back to normal.
your time offset is going to change from +01:00 to +02:00 for germany.

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I have read and checked my computer, timezone etc. I have nothing changed. Why they change the UTC Time for differents channels with only one ini file? Please take a look on the log file. Some channels get +01 Hour and some channels get +02 hour offset.

Blackbear199's picture
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i talked to jan abt it and its a bug.

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I´m downgrade to 2.1.5

Blackbear199's picture
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if u do that dont forget to change the end date calculation back as 2.1.5 does its different than 2.1.7.

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Oh my god. Yes.
No i will keep 2.1.7

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Hi is it possible that the calculation wrong, because the summer time will beginn on sunday in germany? The time will be changed from 02:00 to 03:00.
Thats could make the trouble ?

Blackbear199's picture
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germany is UTC+01:00 now,tonight it will change to UTC+02:00

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So they will sleep one hour less

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