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Incremental mode

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Incremental mode

I'm running WebGrab++ on Synology DS.
During scanning of site I have the impression that a full scan is taking place notwithstanding the fact that I have chosen for incremental scanning. See a small piece of output below:

[ Info ] epg correction :
[ Info ] CHANGED show corrected,
[ Info ] show with ---- start = 22/12/2018 00:25:00 stop = 22/12/2018 00:40:00 title = WG.common.xmltv.Title
[ Info ] Replaces ----- start = 22/12/2018 00:25:00 stop = 22/12/2018 00:40:00 title = Het journaal
[ Info ] epg correction :
[ Info ] CHANGED show corrected,
[ Info ] show with ---- start = 22/12/2018 00:40:00 stop = 22/12/2018 00:45:00 title = WG.common.xmltv.Title
[ Info ] Replaces ----- start = 22/12/2018 00:40:00 stop = 22/12/2018 00:45:00 title = Het Weer

How can I prevent that a full scan is taking place?
I have included the file and the log-file.

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It is normal as there is a small bug. Do not worry about

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mat8861 wrote:

It is normal as there is a small bug. Do not worry about

Sorry Dude, seriously?
Incremental update takes hours instead of minutes because every update causes in a full update.
IMHO that is not a small bug, it's a heavy one!

How can this bug be fixed?
Thank you very much for any hint in advance!


Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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set the cultureinfo= correctly for the country you are grabbing.
dont add any language attributes for the titles(index and details).

figure that out and u get...

first update(no data in epg xml)

update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) HORIZON.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=YESTERDAY) -- mode Incremental
0.57 sec/update

2nd run in incrimental mode with epg data..

update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) HORIZON.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=YESTERDAY) -- mode Incremental

log file result..

[ Info ] ( 1/1 ) HORIZON.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=YESTERDAY) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] skipped : show that happened before 'today' @ 01/02/2019 23:00
[ Info ]
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] 23 shows in 1 channels
[ Debug ] 0 updated shows
[ Debug ] 0 new shows added
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ ] Job finished at 02/02/2019 08:32:08 done in 3s

change it back and u get the bug....

update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/1 ) HORIZON.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=YESTERDAY) -- mode Incremental
0.58 sec/update
Summary for update of YESTERDAY
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 23
new shows added 0
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 23

elapstime / updated show 0.58 seconds

[ Info ] ( 1/1 ) HORIZON.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=YESTERDAY) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] skipped : show that happened before 'today' @ 01/02/2019 23:00
[ Info ] epg correction :
[ Info ] CHANGED show corrected,
[ Info ] show with ---- start = 02/02/2019 00:00:00 stop = 02/02/2019 01:00:00 title = WG.common.xmltv.Title
[ Info ] Replaces ----- start = 02/02/2019 00:00:00 stop = 02/02/2019 01:00:00 title = Impossible Engineering
[ Info ] epg correction :
[ Info ] CHANGED show corrected,
[ Info ] show with ---- start = 02/02/2019 23:00:00 stop = 03/02/2019 00:00:00 title = WG.common.xmltv.Title
[ Info ] Replaces ----- start = 02/02/2019 23:00:00 stop = 03/02/2019 00:00:00 title = Secrets of Britain
[ Info ] 0.58 sec/update
[ Info ] Summary for update of YESTERDAY
[ Info ] missing shows added 0
[ Info ] changed shows updated 23
[ Info ] new shows added 0
[ Info ] unchanged shows inspected 0
[ Info ] total after update 23

[ Info ] elapstime / updated show 0.58 seconds

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Thank you very much for your reply.

cultureinfo is set correctly (de-DE).

But what do you mean with "language attributes" for titles (index and details).
In what file should I have a look?
Can't find anything matching in horizon_tv.ini...


Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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i dont know which version of the ini u have but look for this..

index_title.modify {addend|(lang='global_temp_1')}
title.modify {addend|(lang='global_temp_1')}

change it to this(in ur case)..

index_title.modify {addend('global_temp_1' not "de")|(lang='global_temp_1')}
title.modify {addend('global_temp_1' not "de")|(lang='global_temp_1')}

so what does this do?
in webgrab 2.1.5 the ability was added to be able to set the language attribute to other than the default(cultureinfo= setting on site {xx} line).

since is a multi country/language site it added the ability to set the langauge attribute for the country you grab,example..
if you grab..
german channel it would use de
poland channel it would use pl

in incrimental mode wegrab compares the title grabbed from the site to the title in your existing epg xml file and determines if a update needs to be done.

since we are adding the language attribute(its added to the index_title and details title as a argument at the end,ex (lang=de)).
its invisible to the user as it only used internally for webgrab to know what language attribute to use and not written to the actual epg xml.
heres where the bug comes in...

say webgrab scrubbed the index page and checks a show with the title "My Title"

it process this title on the index level only so it check the language attribute and add it so it becomes..
"My Title(lang=de)"

it then compares this to the epg xml which as i explaind above will have only "My Title" as the (lang=de) is only used internally by webgrab.

see know why webgrab always does the update?
the title dont match so it think it needs to be updated.

so setting the correct language in the cuntureinfo= and not add the (lang=xx) to the titles works around this.
in my example above you see i simply added ('global_temp_1' not "de") so this is never false as ur cultureinfo setting has de so the lang attribute is never added.

if you needed to grab multiple countries you just rename the ini,example..

set the correct cultureinfo= for each and change the ('global_temp_1' not "de") also(ex to "pl".dont forget to change your channel lines in ur wg config.xml to use the correct ini.

this is how it was done yrs ago before we could change the language attribute(whatever the cuntureinfo= setting was is what was used)
so there was a ini for every country.

packing it all onto one was great as when something broke only one ini needed to be fixed rather than many.
unforturately it has a bug that hasnt been fixed.

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Thank you VERY MUCH for your help and detailed description!
I really appreciate that.

It seems to work with your fix, had tested with 1 channel and it worked like a charm!
Now I'm running a complete new update to test. (I'll let you know the result).


I was running an your own .ini in Rev. 6, updated twice by a dude I dont know ;). (He has made a fix for "sub-title parentID" and fixed "episode pattern/patten".
I'm not sure if it's OK to post the .ini file here.

Now it is fixed three times ;) (lang-attributes) by your support.
I can post the .ini if you want to.

Thanks a lot!


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Hi, it is becoming somewhat clear to me. The is rather complicated at first sight.

I have one problem:
In my I have
index_title.modify {addend|(lang='global_temp_2')}
title.modify {addend|(lang='global_temp_2')}

Should I change that in:
index_title.modify {addend('global_temp_2' not "nl")|(lang='global_temp_2')}
title.modify {addend('global_temp_2' not "nl")|(lang='global_temp_2')}

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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if you cultureinfo=nl-NL then yes.

u can leave it like this for other countries also except they will have the lang attribute of "nl" when the actual epg might be in another language or do what i said above.

btw your ini uses global_temp_2 because its a newer or older version.

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I tested the new and it works!
But I get a failure message: NameResolutionFailure (see attachment).
What can I do to prevent this?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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it just means webgrab had trouble connecting to the site.
its prob a dns issue or site problem.

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