Hey Guys,
So I decided to make an SBS Korea site ini for the SBS channels in Korea but I am stuck on some stuff. So I started the get the Titles and Times but the first show and the last show is missing.
I am using the latest version of WG++, using windows 10.
Attached is the zip file of the current ini files.
Also here is the SBS website I am using to create the ini: http://w3.sbs.co.kr/schedule/scheduleSub.do?depth02=d2_2&depth03=nic&cha...
look at ur regex for ur start modify.
ur saying to remove all from the left arrow to end
i know u did this to try remove the span tags from the first show but ur regex removes the time also
look in the manual for cleanup with special argument tags.
u can use this to remove the span tags without deleteing the time.
re: the last show..
since this site has start time only it uses the start time of the next show for the stop time.
for the last show(not for day but of all days you grab) has no next show to use for a stop time so its skipped,you should see a message in you log file telling you this.
The cleanup tag worked fine :D I figured out for the last show make the timespan higher than 0 ( I used 6 ) but I will keep this thread post on other problems I run to.
dont matter what u set the timespan to be it 0 or 7,14,ect
u will always have...
[ Debug ] skipped : last show, no next startime to use as stop
in ur log file.