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REX config to add all actors into one line

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REX config to add all actors into one line

Hi, i need to add all <artist> into one line.
original xml:
<actor>Jan Musil</actor>
<actor>Marián Samek</actor>
<actor>Kateřina Kristelová</actor>
<actor>Josef Vaňousek</actor>
<actor>Ivan Sochor</actor>
<actor>Jan Vavřička</actor>
<writer>Janine Pečenková</writer>
<writer>Petr Smazal</writer>

my idea si to convert it to
<actor>Jan Musil, Marián Samek, Kateřina Kristelová, Josef Vaňousek<, Ivan Sochor, Jan Vavřička</actor>
<writer>Janine Pečenková</writer>
<writer>Petr Smazal</writer>

i tried to add this code to rex.config.xml but without any luck.

<actor>'actor(, )'</actor>

anyone with any suggestions?

WG++ Team memberDonator
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change to {\tActors: 'actor(, )'.}

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Thanks, i tried to put
{\tActors: 'actor(, )'.}
into rex.config.xml but i got Unhandled exception... here is a log for it...
Starting REX Postprocess
Unhandled Exception

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at WGconsole.PostProcess+UpdateXmltv.Update (System.Xml.XmlNode xn, WGconsole.MdbScrub ms, WGconsole.RexConfig rx) [0x00000] in :0
at WGconsole.PostProcess.PostProcess_REX () [0x00000] in :0
at WGconsole.PostProcess..ctor (System.String[] processes) [0x00000] in :0
at WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in :0
at WGconsole.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in :0
For detailed info, see log file /home/PVR/xmltv/.wg++/./WebGrab++.log.txt
Execution stopped
Do you have any idea, what i did wrong? Maybe its a problem of formating a text in this forum, are you please able put the code into an attachment here?

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attached a sample on how it could be (added to description). Anyway your problem seem to be different, so first check in rex_config.xml the file name of merged info, must be different from the output of WebGrab++.config.xml. You cannot use the same file. If you post your config files will be much easier to see what is wrong.

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Hi, Thank you very much, but as you said, my problem is different. I am able to add it to description, but i am not able to add it to to one line... Anyway i ve attached my rex config, maybe it will help... The problem is, that i am not able to show multiple tags in kodi, so i need to put all actors in one tag...

Blackbear199's picture
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it appears 'actor(, ) (inside actor tags) is broken.

but i see no problem adding it to description..

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Thank you all for help, i finally managed to do what i need by editing siteini.user files. Adding these 3 lines (in attached file) to my site.ini files do the trick.)

Blackbear199's picture
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didnt look at ur ini but the whole point of rex is it applies the changes to all data,regardless of how many different ini one may use.

what u did is fine on a individual level but useless for the masses as there is always some one who wants it their way.

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fracti0n wrote:

Thank you all for help, i finally managed to do what i need by editing siteini.user files. Adding these 3 lines (in attached file) to my site.ini files do the trick.)

Look like from the command in you ini ( which is not a site.ini) you want all actors separated by " , " with those commands that's what you will achieve. Good.
Happy you...we all happy.

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