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can't access siteini.pack

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can't access siteini.pack

I have a donator badge but i still can't access siteini.pack section
to get updated files

I donated and I have a donor badge, but the additional sub-forums that have appeared are all empty.
There is not even one topic. It's all empty. When I enter one of them I get a message:

You are not allowed to post new topics in this forum.
No posts in this forum.

It's weird, impossible that there is no 1 topic, all forums are empty ?!
Topics 0
Posts 0
Last post n/a

can you please help me

thanks in advance

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Same here

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I wrote to the admins and got the following answers:

"everything has been deleted"
"If you can see the subforums of the siteini.pack section, you have access. But other users have already mentioned that the topics are removed. Probably one more support members have deleted there activity ....
Maybe they will come back, but that sort of info I do not have, sorry. "

In real terms, this is not an answer worth paying attention to, in the first place because the problem is not considered in the right way. Not only do not have messages, but it is not possible to post a new message, I get the following message:
You are not allowed to post new topics in this forum.

On the other hand, although a new message can not be posted, nor can you see old ones, who have a valid link, can download files, but unfortunately the links are hidden. The one I managed to find here on the forum is this, and it can be seen that the files are still there.

mikhoul's picture
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Which ini pack are you which is not in the main ini pack are you looking for ?

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For example sbb serbian , working file from last month that was done and tested.
@Revision 3 - [10/11/2018] Blackbear199 / kvanc

mikhoul's picture
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quote=ddanijell]For example sbb serbian , working file from last month that was done and tested.
@Revision 3 - [10/11/2018] Blackbear199 / kvanc[/quote]

OK I see...

Blackbear done a lot of coding/fixing ini file but most of the time when he was answering to somebody he was really arrogant.

So last week I had an issue with an ini file for and I opened a message asking for help and Blackbear answered just to belittle me and say he had the fix and it worked fine for him but will not give me any help even if I wanted pay him.

So for this crazy selfish answer was "the drop that tipped the bucket" and I said him he was selfish cunt etc etc...

So i'm not bad at coding generally so I learned how ini files are working and fixed myself the ini file and posted the updated file in the free forum for everybody else in case somebody else in the future would need it too instead of being a selfish cunt like blackbear. Here's the update:

But Blackbear brain disconnected and he have a VERY BIG meltdown writing more than 12 messages of insanity in my thread and he was saying he will post insanity everyday and will delete all his messages on the forum to prevent others from profiting of his work.

So he is really a selfish prick... Since I was receiving email notifications each time he was posting insanity in my message thread I just deleted it so he can't post me insanity no longer and I think it frustrated him that I removed his ability to post messages in my thread.

Now he is so crazy that he is deleting all his messages one by one from the forum to prevent anybody from using his knowledge.

He is thinking he is some kind of genius and I'm pretty sure he is but not a stable genius and not the kind of genius he think he is... ;-)


My take on the whole WebGrab+ project since this project seem half abandoned I think the best thing that should happen is that it would be made open source and hosted on Github so everybody with more time/motivation could work on it and contribute freely for the benefit of everybody. Moreover the hosting on Github would be free so no server fees to pay each month/year for the authors.

Right now if somebody else have the .ini files that were in the donator section it would be kind if somebody would just upload those file somewhere else like on Github and make them available freely for everybody and not just the so called donators.

the best thing to do for you now is to learn how ini work looking at others ini files and learn to fix it, once a ini file is fixed upload it here and on GitHub so everybody else will be able to use it without the donation section mess... and having it on GitHub too will prevent to lose it is this site close one day.

Regards !

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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Thats was pretty good post.

Let me set the record straight..

back in 2015 i was like the rest of you, looking for epg data for iptv.
i knew nothing about wg or how it worked.
i read the manual and read it again for a few mths.
finally acomplished to do a few simple sites with the help of jan and francis.
from there i just got better with time as the more i did the less i had to refer to the manual(i called it the webgrab toolbox).
so i started posting ini i fixed/created for all to use.
then iptv went rampid.
there were many members who want ini from all over the world(iptv guys),never donating anything so i stopped posting any new ini or updates.
the donations go to the developers,not me or anyone else.its to encourage them to keep developement going although it has been stalled(due to personal stuff).
so the owners just recently came up with this donator section.

i was a volunteer here,not a webgrab developer/member.i created/updated ini along with matt and kvanc for nothing.
as u all have seen this has come to a halt this week.

best of luck to you all as i am done, the others can speak for themselves.

i leave this site as it was when i came here,dead...

did i delete all files in the donator section?

did i delete every post i ever made in the last 3+ yrs i been here.
yes(took me abt 3 days,less than i thought it would take).

did i personally message the owners and ask to be removed/banned.

yet i am still here.

this is all fine as i have no obligation to provide anything for anyone.

so u can call it whatever you want(meltdown or plain dont care),i the way webgrab works than most will ever grasp.

and to you fooker,they didnt remove my edit privileges meme(u must b a austin powers fan)..haha

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There is not much to add to what Blackbear said, he has been my teacher and without his help, assistance, suggestions, i would probably still reading the "bible" ending up with nothing (i did try myself for months years ago). All this in the beginning was "open-source" and pretty much fun, creating every site.ini was a challenge, until it become a money business for some (I would say a lot of) users, as you can read here .
Making and fixing site.ini for an "expert" is a lot of work, trying and trying to get all to work, time can take up days and weeks in particular lately where sites are preventing epg grabbing with all kind of stuff.
5 euro donation is not worth a single site.ini, I pay my cleaning lady 8 euro for 1 hour of work !!
Someone feel to have knowledge ?...go ahead !! When he will post siteini like whatsonarabia/india,,,jio I will donate 200euro if he complete 4 siteini in 1 month time.
Arrogance ? Wrong term here without knowing what's behind.
I will wait for volunteers.

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than you for all support and files that you make and share with us. Best wishes to all of you, and I hope that we will meat again in some place.

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Ok I understand partly your anger, but who really hurt you?
With whom do you have a problem here? With users or administrators, I really do not understand this part?
Users are paying a donation > yes. I personaly make a donation a couple of days ago, at the moment when you already wiped out everything and I still do not get angry like you.
If you think you need to charge your work, and everyone else here, who is stops you offering ini/php for sale?
I do not really understand, you act like a little kid to whom someone has stolen a toy. If you have what to offer, I do not see what the problem is to sell what you have and charge your work ??

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ddanijell wrote:

Ok I understand partly your anger, but who really hurt you?
With whom do you have a problem here? With users or administrators, I really do not understand this part?
Users are paying a donation > yes. I personaly make a donation a couple of days ago, at the moment when you already wiped out everything and I still do not get angry like you.
If you think you need to charge your work, and everyone else here, who is stops you offering ini/php for sale?
I do not really understand, you act like a little kid to whom someone has stolen a toy. If you have what to offer, I do not see what the problem is to sell what you have and charge your work ??

As you new here, you probably missed the bad part (deleted), don't want to make anyname but "someone" with nickname mikhoul insulted Blackbear very bad.This is not acceptable, in any form, in any contest, is part of life education. The drop that started. Jan and Francis, the authors, should change the way this all project runs, we asked time ago to do that.
Will see how it goes.

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Yes, everything is clear and I agree with you.
In any case, rarely who uses the webgraber personally, it's mostly a bigger business, and in reality I think it should and must be charged just so that it does not come to such things that we came to.
Maybe I've been a lot of rude in the story above but certainly the point is that if someone wants to work it like free contributor does not need to be angry tomorrow, and in any case I do not see the problem of charging/paying for individual files.
The donation is ok, but the problem is that the user for € 5 or € 10 gets access to everything that's worth a lot more, and people who made this ini files lost hours and hours of his work do not get anything at end. That's not fair .

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Right donation is ok, it contribute to the expenses to keep up servers, licences, etc etc. Your is a true statement:" The donation is ok, but the problem is that the user for € 5 or € 10 gets access to everything that's worth a lot more, and people who made this ini files lost hours and hours of his work do not get anything at end."
Tell you the truth we had several ideas/proposal, finding a middle way is hard. With full respect for the authors we did propose several options and we hope for a change in the near future.

Blackbear199's picture
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people come here and expect everything they want for nothin.
alot even bitch about 5 euro.
thats all done with for me(cannot speak for the other contributors).
i aint gonna post anything anywhere(be it on forums or donator section).
i still keep ini updated for my own pleasure,i dont use any as i gave up on this iptv thing yrs ago.
webgrab creators charge 90 euro/hr
ask them to do ur ini and pay the price.
till now they just handed it off to us(and yes they paid whoever did the work a percentage).
thats done,least for me.only happened a few times in the yrs i have been here so no big loss for me.

if u think the ini that were removed r good,ur just seeing the tip of the iceberg.
as said by matt and kvanc above,we have all these sites working.
higghly demanded epg data,no way will u ever get it for a measly 5 euro.
u shud be donating this anyway just to use the program.
i learnt from nothing along with the users shud consider doing the same.
no one is going to fix and supply it all for you.learn howto create and do it urself.
all this info is free,download the documentation manual.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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i forgot to mention that this sucks for the true personal users.
unfortunately their is no way to tell them apart from the bastards so all go without.
just the way it is..
these are the one that really suffer from all of this.
these are the people that webgrab site was initially created for.

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i can understand the frustration here, lots of work and then sharing and not getting anything back... personally i dont mind paying for ini if i need it, i dont have the skills to create my own, i read the manual and so far i learn how to correct smaller adjustments but yes its time consuming. isnt it possible to sell just inis on the site in some way?

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guys can we all just come down for a bit?
from my point of view, i understand both sides. Hard work needs to paid, user making a donation want what they paid for.
this all looks to me like an internal problem between the site owners/w++ developers and the contributers. the W++ site is not worth a bullshit without running and updated ini files, so get your internal money flow done!
If Blackbear want to get paid, fine. Then ask the site owner instead of punishing all the users.
My first action here was to transfer 10 euro to W++ thinking the cost of a bloody TV newspaper costs the same in a month.
So guys i can not speak for all users, but i am ready to pay a monthly fee of 10 euro or even more, but get your internal problems done!!

Have a nice day

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Blackbear199 wrote:

i forgot to mention that this sucks for the true personal users.
unfortunately their is no way to tell them apart from the bastards so all go without.
just the way it is..
these are the one that really suffer from all of this.
these are the people that webgrab site was initially created for.

please answer me :(

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I have also spend 3 days ago and what a shame no answer and Access till now. I don´t know what is the meaning for " But please give him a few days to manually handle the donations " how Long is that?

Is the download area really empty?

THX to all members

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That´s a bad joke only 5 parts. Where is sky Germany channels, where are the german provider?
Here the full list of all secret Ini´s

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Me see only 5 parts

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@mikhoul Him did the same with me, free random insults and never stop to tell I have profit from webgrab, when I shown him wasn't the true(I gave him the passwords about all my servers), him disappear and never answer me anymore.
You have all my understanding about... I think for him the "meltdown status" Is a quite normal status. Him totally can't understand what is help others and never ask something back. We are lucky we have a good job outside this world and for us the epg is just one way to spend free time :)

Ps. I saw just now, him didn't loose the habit to insult people with bad words with no reason, I think soon will be my turn again.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Tapiocapioca wrote:

@mikhoul Him did the same with me, free random insults and never stop to tell I have profit from webgrab, when I shown him wasn't the true(I gave him the passwords about all my servers), him disappear and never answer me anymore.
You have all my understanding about... I think for him the "meltdown status" Is a quite normal status. Him totally can't understand what is help others and never ask something back. We are lucky we have a good job outside this world and for us the epg is just one way to spend free time :)
Ps. I saw just now, him didn't loose the habit to insult people with bad words with no reason, I think soon will be my turn again.

Whats is your problem Tapiocapioca ? You like flaming forums ? After months you show up with a useless post just to flame again ? If you keep posting like that I will personally delete it.

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