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Any working site.inis for USA?

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Last seen: 6 years
Any working site.inis for USA?

Hi, it seems like none of the USA grabbers/pages work anymore. All eider give a "no shows found in index file" or other exceptions.

Is there any known working ini file for the USA? Or is there any reason why there is no updates for such a huge country?

Greetings and thanks.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 6 years

Maybe the flight tickets got too expensive to go the moon?

I'm just asking to know if there is some legal reasons or just general lack of interest. Would give me a better picture if I should be hoping for a US EPG grabbing provider update or just give up on it.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 6 years

Well, I think that's precisely why people asking this kind of questions, the inis are scattered all round the place and there is no clear/organised way to follow the status of any of the grabbers other than trial & error and find the right thread if there is even any. If you're lucky you might find a ini that works in the ZIP file called Repository, if not the second best chance is to find something that works in "SiteIni.Pack", and if not then try luck with the Forum search engine and read manually trough the "Users" and "Developers" subforum where you sometimes can find some fix or update under all kind of titles. I know that it can be frustrating as developer, but so it is for the user when nothing seems to work. There are certainly better ways to organise and handle this. Also automated testing is an option for your concern regarding the health of the many inis.

Maybe I'm too new here and I still don't get the usual workflow here, but from what I could see whenever somebody asks something regarding a non working plugin or asks for one that works, the WG+ Team usually seems bothered or acts sarcastically (Or at least that's what I interpret from the responses).

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 15 hours

Kvanc you missed the big part, let me add it: "with a 5€ donation".
I really hope new year will starts with something new.

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