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Mediaset incorrect timetable

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Mediaset incorrect timetable

Hello everyone, since yesterday I realized that the epg downloaded with webgrab ++ of all channels Mediaset has 1 hour in advance on real transmissions, it's just my problem?

Thanks for the help, Marco.

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You should have left UTC timezone. Your player or epg program will add 1 hour.

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mat8861 wrote:

You should have left UTC timezone. Your player or epg program will add 1 hour.

Hi Mat8861, I reset the UTC time zone and the downloaded epg is still 1 hour ahead.

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1. Provide an example and guide.xml
2. Did you clear previous epg ?
3. Did you check your device clock ?
4. what are you using to view epg ?

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mat8861 wrote:

1. Provide an example and guide.xml
2. Did you clear previous epg ?
3. Did you check your device clock ?
4. what are you using to view epg ?

1. I enclose file guides.xml of 1 channel Mediaset (to lighten the file), as you can see the file guide.xml is 1 hour behind the site and Mediaset programs.
2. Always delete old files.
3. The time on my PC is correct.
4. I use the guide.xml file on Mediaportal which in turn is a Kodi addon.
I would like to clarify that the data collected by Webgrab of other websites are correct, such as Rai, Sky ......

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Removing from the file guide.xml the "timezone" only to Mediaset programs is very complicated and laborious .. a solution that intervenes on the file is not possible?

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Hi, I found this line in the WebGrab ++. log file I thought it might help you figure out where the problem is

[Info] time offset change detected for site from: +0100 to: +0000


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Marcoviti there is no problem. Site.ini is UTC and against website shows are 1 hour back, this is correct.
"20181110131000 +0000" stop="20181110134500 +0000" channel="Canale 5"
title Una Vita
on website is at 14.10 (one hour later). My epg program, (epg-import) see the time is UTC and add one hour to match the local time, same happens on my cell phone. As blackbear199 explained mediaportal does not recognize the time offset (+0000 is utc, but in Italy is +0100) so does not "adjust" the correct time.
In your specific case you have 2 solutions:
1. change timezone to UTC+01:00 on mediaset, thiis will fix your mediaportal, but will be incorrect in other applications
2. after you run wg++ , run WG2MP.exe wich will correct time for your mediaportal with your local time (will add 1 hour)

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mat8861 wrote:

Marcoviti there is no problem. Site.ini is UTC and against website shows are 1 hour back, this is correct.
"20181110131000 +0000" stop="20181110134500 +0000" channel="Canale 5"
title Una Vita
on website is at 14.10 (one hour later). My epg program, (epg-import) see the time is UTC and add one hour to match the local time, same happens on my cell phone. As blackbear199 explained mediaportal does not recognize the time offset (+0000 is utc, but in Italy is +0100) so does not "adjust" the correct time.
In your specific case you have 2 solutions:
1. change timezone to UTC+01:00 on mediaset, thiis will fix your mediaportal, but will be incorrect in other applications
2. after you run wg++ , run WG2MP.exe wich will correct time for your mediaportal with your local time (will add 1 hour)

What I do not understand .. is because the Grab from other websites is correct and from Mediaset after the site change no longer works

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May be other italian sites do not use utc...or simply the time is already Italy (Europe/Rome) time.
Like i said in you case it's better to set all to local time (as suggested by blackbear199) or if you need to have epg also in other applications set utc+0100 and that's it.

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