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Updated Australia (Sydney) Channels

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Updated Australia (Sydney) Channels

hi all,
just got up and running with WG - had to tweak the channels a bit (e.g. "SBS TWO" should be "SBS 2"). here's what i'm using:
  <!, needs cookie file yourtv.cookie.txt, see loadcookie.txt !!-->
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ABC1" xmltv_id="ABC1">ABC1</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ABC2 / ABC4" xmltv_id="ABC2 / ABC4">ABC2 / ABC4</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ABC3" xmltv_id="ABC3">ABC3</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ABC News 24" xmltv_id="ABC News 24">ABC News 24</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="SBS ONE" xmltv_id="SBS ONE">SBS ONE</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="SBS HD" xmltv_id="SBS HD">SBS HD</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="SBS 2" xmltv_id="SBS 2">SBS 2</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="NITV" xmltv_id="NITV">NITV</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="Seven" xmltv_id="Seven">Seven</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="7TWO" xmltv_id="7TWO">7TWO</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="7mate" xmltv_id="7mate">7mate</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="Nine" xmltv_id="Nine">Nine</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="GEM" xmltv_id="GEM">GEM</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="Extra" xmltv_id="Extra">Extra</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="GO!" xmltv_id="GO!">GO!</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ONE" xmltv_id="ONE">ONE</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="TEN" xmltv_id="TEN">TEN</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ELEVEN" xmltv_id="ELEVEN">ELEVEN</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="SpreeTV" xmltv_id="SpreeTV">SpreeTV</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="TVSN" xmltv_id="TVSN">TVSN</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="TVS" xmltv_id="TVS">TVS</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="4ME" xmltv_id="4ME">4ME</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="Extra 2" xmltv_id="Extra 2">Extra 2</channel>

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WG++ Team memberDonator
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Hi dh,
thanks for this contribution. Did you get this using the build-in channel list creator of the ini? Or was this 'hand' crafted?

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 5 years

Hoi Jan,
I started with the channels provided in the pack which I downloaded from here (
I then performed some tweaks, namely:
1. "SBS TWO" renamed to "SBS 2".
2. Added channels: "Extra", "Extra 2", "NITV", "SpreeTV", "TVSN", "4ME", which are additional free to air channels.
3. I've also removed the pay TV channels, since I don't have this service.
This is for Sydney.
P.S. Thanks for a great EPG Grabber!

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WG++ Team memberDonator
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Hi Diana
can you do us a favor?  Try the build-in channellist creator and send us the resulting file.
It goes like this:
In enable the following lines ( following the line: * the following creates a channel list file: )
by removing the * at the beginning of each line :
*index_site_channel.scrub {multi(exclude="a href")|title="Remove ||">|</span>}
*index_site_id.scrub {multi(exclude="a href")|title="Remove ||">|</span>}

Save the file and run WG++ . After that you should have a new file.
Don't forget to disable the two lines by adding the * at the beginning.
Thanks    Jan

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