Hello friends, Could someone create the ini file of this site, It´s EPG from Brazil and It has several providers, I think it´s very good!!!
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
almost ready
¡Amazing friend! When you finish could you upload the files here please!!!
BlackBear can pull the rabbit off the hat, better then Houdini lol.
i am just behind lol
[ Info ] update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 7 day(s)
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 1/1 ) TVMAGAZINE.COM.BR -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX HD) -- mode Force
[ Debug ] skipped : last show, no next startime to use as stop
[ Info ] 2.92 sec/update
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] 152 shows in 1 channels
i think what u said will not work (https://www.tvmagazine.com.br/irregular.html)
i am not using cookie or php....i think also BlackBear ;)
How did you get it to work?
available for donors?
Fox you can take it from meuguia.tv . For Tvmagazine it has been said at post 4, there is an high risk they block you. Then there are already meuguia, netcombo and tvplus for Brazil