Great day,
Hoping i'm posting my question into the right place:
-About the "Icon src" structure and how to adjust the following issue:
The 'found' weblink, done via Icon src, returns as an unexisting page:
I do use TV Vlaanderen as provider for my EPG data, works pretty good.
But i can't figure out why the generated show thumnbail is not linked correctly:
Here's an example of such a programm:
<programme start="20180808201000 +0000" stop="20180808222000 +0000" channel="VTM HD">
<title lang="nl">Die Hard 2</title>
<desc lang="nl">Amerikaanse actiefilm Agent John McClane wacht op zijn vrouw in de luchthaven van Washington. Een groep terroristen neemt de controletoren over en eist vrije doorgang voor henzelf en een Zuid-Amerikaanse dictator. Ze dreigen ermee alle inkomende vliegtuigen te doen crashen als niet aan hun eisen wordt tegemoetgekomen.(c)</desc>
<icon src=" />
But this <icon src=" /> link isn't valid, so the image wouldn't be grabbed nore showed.
I did noticed when browsing the webpage EPG of TVV there's always a resolution size inside the weblink, but it changes per show:
Anyone any suggestion or work around in order to get the XML correctly completed ?
Thanks in advance !
Hi Blackbear199,
Many thanks for your swift reaction,
This additional line should be inserted into the ini file within the siteini pack folder ?
Just below the initial index_showicon.modify line ?
Thanks for your help and confirmation.
Thanks Blackbear, works like a charm !
Lateron i'll investigate how to get channel logo's grabbed aswell.
Appreciated !