The Brazilian site - lineup.net.br change to lineup.tv.br
Can you update the site.ini.
I try to change the site.ini but not sucess.
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
Still the same link.
Example: http://lineup.tv.br/gdc.php?idGrade=709
I change the website on the ini but dont work anymore.
Until yesterday it was working.
I'm also having the same difficulty ... does anyone know the solution?
It worked very well.
Is working now. :)
Thank you so much to the fast update.
Hi Blackbear199.
It appears that lineup.net.br has changed again its website. Could you take a look, please, and guide us trough the changes?
To change the name of the ini, just change the WebGrab ++ file. Config.xml
but the ini is not working, if you can verify something.
Hello, I made the change in the site codes lineup.net.br - download this and replace in the folder (siteini.pack> Brazil) that is running 100%
Just for information, they changed the way pages of programs are generated.
As far as I understand now the channel id is ramdom and changed ina matter os minutes.
So, as workaround, you need to generate a new channels.xml everytime you need to generate a guide.xml.
I don't have much time to go futher on this but this is what I found so far.
Sorry, I did not notice that, they really did.
I've found out where we can find the new "gdc.php?Guia=XXXXXX" but i lack the skills to do the script...
you need to probe the gcd.php page and look for this "|li class="parent"||a href="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/" title=""||b|Grades de Programação|/b||/a|"
then it start with the hrefs... like this... "|li||a href="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/gdc.php?Guia=510010"|100% Vida|/a||/li|" you see the Id for Channel 100% Vida today is 510010... anyone can do the "auto find random id" from that infos?
OBS: the lines between "" are html codes and i had to replace <> for || so the site wont display them as the html result....
and the www.webgrabplus.com is in fact # guess that one the html aways translate... # means "this site right here" XD
1 would pick up channel ID
2 with the channel list page would get the href within >> View Full Grade
3 would go to part of,? Guide =
4 would use your script to generate the date
Blackbear by your answer the reality is: webgrabbplus can only access absolute urls every time it runs... it can't "find" which url to access using a script before it access right?
So... we can only:
A: Make a "reflect/fake" page of tv line up that has fixed url for chanels and redirects to the right id aways or..
B: Use a external (manual or automatic) way to edit WebGrab++.config.xml with the new ids everytime before wg runs?
Is that correct?
If that is correct if i may ask... is there a way of calling a script integrated with wg or it need to be done by O.S.?
WebGrab will not handle this URL changes, IMO. I just started to work with WG few weeks ago but it seems impossible to handle this situation with it.
So, I'll take Blackbear199 suggestion of PHP to try develop something else to deal with this.
The problem here is that this code (let's say it's for channel abcd) changes from times to times (5, 10, 15 minutes...I have no idea now how long it stays the same) making the channels.xml obsolete since site_id keeps changing.
Maybe there's a way to fix that in WG but I'm just a newbie on it, sharing an opinion.
Nice suggest.
I'll give a try in next days.
Thanks a lot.
Wouldn't it be possible to update the netcombo.com.br script? It worked until a few months ago for me, but at the moment it doesn't work anymore.
netcombo is something really strange (or smart). the page are making requests to a machine in AWS that has an IP filter, so this AWS machine (who contains pure EPG data) is allowed to answer only to netcombo IP.
New techniques to avoid high traffic due grabbers I guess. Personally I totally forget about netcombo.
What functional options exist for the EPG of the Brazilian channels? Would you know?
yotv only functional
good afternoon friends ... I'm with the serious problem of the website lineup.tv.br, I can not update the site anymore ... and I've lost days and I can not fix it ... please help some friends of good heart to help me solve ... thank you .. my email ... edubatistela@hotmail.com
Has anyone managed to do the LineUp scritp? or tvmagazine to work? Brazil is almost without options. Someone help ..
still no one can or ideas of a new source for epg?
Guys, you'll need coding skills to bypass this. WebGrabber+ itself will not do the job anymore (maybe, just maybe it can do but this will required lot of work from user) do you'll need to think and code some solution.
PHP is a very nice suggestion and I can say that will work.
I found out that in any channel pages (gdc.php?idCanal=XXX), on the line 146 of the page-source code, you can find the codes for ALL guide channels. I do know some PHP (not a pro, code mostly just for fun). I would be able to write a script to get the guide codes. However, any tips on how to send those channel codes to WebGrab? How to link the PHP script to the Webgrab?
Blackbear, so what I'm thinking is this:
1 - User enters the channel id at the WebGrab++.config file
2 - Site.ini sends a GET request to the PHP page with the |channel| attribute provided by the WebGrab++.config file;
3 - PHP page uses that channel id to access the lineup.net website, web scraps the page, and return the real guide URL;
4 - Site.ini gets the real guide URL from the PHP page and process it through WG+.
So, I know how to handle the PHP end, but I don't know how to do step 2 and 4 at the site.ini files.
Any help, please?
There are other sites in addition to the lineup ... the mi.tv for example works with the channels in Spanish, but is not working with channels of Brazil. I tried to fix, but the most I could get was to note that there is a difference on the tongue and fix and generate the Channels.xml of Brazil, but couldn't fix for epg data.
The sky.com.br is another way if someone update the .ini files and make it, currently only have knowledge of yo.tv it's working, but apparently they take for netcombo.com.br information 7 days I think and if there is any update in this period, their information is wrong.
Ok. So step 2 is clear now.
But step 4 got me a little confused. So, when you say
"do this in php also and return the page data to webgrab for processing."
Do you mean, I should make PHP access the tv guide page with the correct link and then return the entire content of that page?
If so, that's easy, but then we would have to add a Step 5: Send this content to WG+ for processing. How do I do this?
edit: LOL, never mind, I was being dumb, no need for step 5. WG+ will just process the output of the PHP page (which will basically "clone" the tv-guide page). Thanks. I will start working on that.
only Brazil has the most nennhum it works
tvmagazine.com even has a lot of time
Sou doador e queria o a senha
The Brazilian site - lineup.net.br not work for me :(