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Last seen: 5 years

Hello guys,


Loving WebGrab+ so far with only one issue, after spedning half the day searching for a site that is supported and covers my needs i ended up using  which is working great and fast, i decided to go with it cause it provides great category information and i am using it for a colored guide in MediaPortal.

The issue i am having tho is the following: this site.ini is getting category info from the field Жанр (category.scrub {single|Жанр:</b>||</p>|</p>} ) the issue is the provider is using this field to categorize different types of content, example : u could have a main category "MOVIE" with a sub gategory "DRAMA" the category "Жанр" is actually a SUB category and not a MAIN category, as a result u can get movies and series mixed up as they both could have the same sub gategory.

The good news is that the MAIN category is available here:<p class="type">xxxxxxxxxxx</p>.

My request: Would someone please edit the site.ini for and combine MAIN+SUB Categories in one single output (main-sub) so this way we cannot get mixed results.

Or if noone can do it could u please at least point me to the right direction? I gt no idea but maybe if someone would point me to the right direction i could try to ipliment it myself.

Thanx in advance.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 5 years

Thank you very much!

Exactly what i wanted, i really appreciate ur quick response.

Expect a donation and keep up the good work.

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

Updated version of in attachment. Made by myself for myself.

  • added eposides parsing
  • added channel logos
  • added programm icons
  • fixed xxx-channel.xml generation to include all channels
  • fixed categories parsing
Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

I'm still improving it and have one question. Is that possible to have 2 or more conditions in one scrubline? Example:

    temp_7.modify {addend('productiondate' not "")('temp_6' = "movie")| 'productiondate'}

Plus logical operators (AND, OR, etc)

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 1 year

Hello, I'm asking for help with fixing, now the name of the event is parsed with title.scrub {single|<h3>||</h3>|</h3>}, the serial number and the season number are not parsed at all.  Season numbers and series are described in </h4>. Help me please.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 5 years

Hello guys,

Since a couple of days the site.ini for is not working, is anyone able to have a look?

Thanx in advance.

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