I did change charset in site .ini file form UTF-8 to charset=ISO-8859-1 but still I got UTF-8 in output xml file. I need charset=ISO-8859-1 in out put xml file. I attached site.ini file. can u please have a look and let me know what I did worng ?
Can you make an example of what are you trying to achieve? What the result should be like ?
Thanks for your reply. charset of out pit file should be ISO-8859-1 but i am still getting utf-8 .Please check attached file
Still waiting for a solution. Hope anyone will help me to resolve this issue
and not even contribute to the forum....Well done bonz777 with your ad
This is a clear example, don't think to add more. Just hope the authors will proceed with a forced contribution.
I did recently. Hope will do more in future. Looking for the charset solution. Plese guide me how can I resolve it. Thanks again.