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Generate new Channels.xml with Channel Numbers

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Generate new Channels.xml with Channel Numbers

So I am trying to generate a new file list and i keep getting the following error what am i doing wrong?


The idea is to make the channels and then get EPG use epg to then update channel numbers on TVHEADEND.


[  Info  ] Found existing channel (xmltv_id=dummy) in the config file
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ]       i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] Group (0) :
[  Info  ] update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/1   ) VIRGINMEDIA.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=dummy) -- mode Force
[Error   ] Unable to update channel dummy
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from dummy
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] No guide data to restore
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] 0 shows in 1 channels
[  Debug ] 0 updated shows
[  Debug ] 0 new shows added
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] 
[        ] Job finished at 08/09/2017 19:12:46 done in 1s
[  Debug ] statistics upload error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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you are trying to get in the site the channel dummy, which does not exsist.

The channel dummy is used to generate a fresh channel list, the stuff you see at bottom of the site.ini 

*      #####  CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)

so if you enable (uncheck the * in the front) and you run a channel with dummy will generate a new channel site list. 

After getting all the channel you can disable again that part and run a regular channel like 

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="itv##9" xmltv_id="ITV">ITV</channel>

this will generate all the shows for that channel.

A bit of reading of the manual is suggested 

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thanks for response

I did go read the documentation before. After your suggestion still having the same issue.

reading through the .ini file, it says:

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* disable to create a channels.xml
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*index_variable_element.modify {set|'config_site_id'}
*index_temp_1.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_variable_element' "##(\d+)"}
*index_variable_element.modify {remove|##'index_temp_1'}
*url_index.modify {replace|##region##|'index_temp_1'}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* end disable section
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Which as you can see is disabled. further down where it says channel file creation now looks like this:


**      #####  CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* disable section indentified above
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @auto_xml_channel_start

index_variable_element.modify {set|'config_site_id'}
url_index.modify {replace|##region##|'index_variable_element'}

index_site_id.scrub {regex||"([^\"]*)":\{"trans"||}
index_site_id.modify {addend|##'index_variable_element'}
index_site_channel.scrub {regex||span class=\\"channel-logo.*?title=\\"(.+?)\\">||}
index_site_channel.modify {remove|\}
index_site_channel.modify {replace(type=regex)|<\/p>.*?title="| }
** enable to add channel number after name
index_temp_6.scrub {regex||<p>(.+?)<\\/p>||}
index_temp_1.modify {set|0}
loop {(each "index_temp_2" in 'index_site_channel')|end}
index_temp_3.modify {substring(type=element)|'index_temp_6' 'index_temp_1' 1} * number
index_temp_4.modify {addend|'index_temp_2' ('index_temp_3')####} *remove ( ) around 'index_temp_3' if you dont want channel number in (..)
index_temp_1.modify {calculate(format=F0)|1+}
index_site_channel.modify {set|'index_temp_4'}
index_site_channel.modify {replace|####|\|}
** end add channel number after name section
index_site_id.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates=equal,100 link="index_site_channel")}
* @auto_xml_channel_end

So i must be missing something glaring for it to still be producing an error. Sorry if i missed something again. Should add that I have even tried adding the region XML instead to see if it would generate instead of leaving it as dummy. Didn't work. Even tried generating the region's file that didn't work either

WG++ Team memberDonator
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My bad (didn't look at the ini), I checked the ini and you cannot create channels with dummy. You need 3 steps:

1. Disable the part "* disable to create a channels.xml"

2. Use dummy to create regions (enable only the REGION FILE CREATION part) it generates a, then rename it to, disable again the part for region

3. Use one of the regions lines like     <channel update="i" site="" site_id="40979" xmltv_id="London">London</channel> and it will create the channel list. Note if you don't need the channel number after the name you can keep disabled the part ** enable to add channel number after name u p to  ** end add channel number after name section

Finally re-enable the top part "* disable to create a channels.xml"  disable all bottom part for channel creation and  have fun grabbing your shows


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Still getting the same issue sorry:

Disabled the section: * disable to create a channels.xml

Enabled only the region (the channel creation further below is disabled)

Added one dummy in webconfig: <channel update="f" site="" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>

Ran and still got the same error:

Attached all the files:

I am thinking it is something with Virginmedia site? Have you tried generating it yourself with CHannel Numbers?

WG++ Team memberDonator
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site ini looks ok...did you check if in the webgrab folder generated the channel file (the regions) ?

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It didn't generate anything..Just did a similar test with radiotimes and it did generate something. But just the radio channels with the different providers (dunno why?)

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Mine is ok....don't have the time to look what is missing in your. try this for region

use      <channel update="i" site="" site_id="dummy" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>


WG++ Team memberDonator
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use this other for channel creation example :

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="9" xmltv_id="Cambridge">Cambridge</channel>

Did not enable channel number at the end...but if you need it enable it. Remember to rename channels.xml files as it will be overwritten. NOTE you can only do 1 region at the time


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lol, i dont know whats wrong.

Did exactly as you said deleted the old ini from sites.pack and replaced with this one added that string into config. and got the same error


WG++ Team memberDonator
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the error is normal....but should generate the file.

Btw regions didn't change from the original siteini.pack so....try with channels ...1 region at the time and rename the file like before you generate channels for another region

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I get you.

Regions haven't changed: so I went back to generating channels again. However still same error and no channels file is being created. I know this must be aannoying you.

I give you both my files as I have tried to run it.


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For sure you do not like reading smiley 

re-read post 4 and 9...  to grab channel list (with the actual channels inside like BBC)  you need region line.....not dummy

Again in your case  dummy line > regions  then  region line > channels

Some sites have different way to create a channel list. These ini's might have  postal codes, regions, providers, bouquets, etc. etc. but if you follow the sequence you will end with the correct channel list. Finally, except for special cases, for channel creation we can say:

1. dummy line are to be used with ini that have only one channel creation or as start with ini that have other elements creation (provider, regions, etc.etc.) Then for each step use the line created in the site.channels.xml

2. Site ini's creators always put the sequence to get to the final "true" channel list, if indicated a disable of some ini's elements might be required .  

3. We need to remember that, Webgrab at the moment, only create one file named "site.channels.xml". In site ini's with multiple element creation at each step/creation the site.channels.xml will be overwritten so a rename is required. For this reasons, as webgrab does one cycle at the time, we also need to remember that during channel creation we cannot grab multiple element, i.e. if I grab two regions:

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="40979" xmltv_id="London">London</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="40969" xmltv_id="North East">North East</channel>

I will end up with a channel list that has only "North East" channels because the cycle has overwritten London channels.

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I did try that as well but it wasn't working. I got frustrated in the end and removed all instance of webgrab and installed from fresh and it now worked on the first go.!

Thank You for your help. Now Im curious to know for a seperate issue, why is radio times only giving me radio channels?

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Without indication I guess again you did not read my previous post with attention.

Radiotimes in the siteini.pack @Revision 15 - [27/05/2017] Netuddki the site has notes in channel creation lines:

*For TV channels

*For Radio channels

so i guess you enabled everything and like I said in previous post the TV channels got overwritten by Radio channels. You cannot get all of them in one go. First enable only tv lines, rename the file and then disable tv lines and enable the radio ones to create the "radio" channel list. You can then cut and paste the contenent of radio into the tv ,if you want to keep only one channel.xml (only what's in between <channel> and </channel>)

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Thanks ever so much. I had disabled the TV one instead of the radio one.

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