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Linux VPS - Gzip at end of webgrab Run

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Linux VPS - Gzip at end of webgrab Run

Hi Everyone, 

This may sound like a simple question but I have not been able to get this completed. 

I have the newest version of webgrab installed on my Linux VPS ,  finally after a couple of days created a working ini with all the channels needed. I have it set to complete incrementals and will have it run every other day.   I'm executing this currently via a cron job and it writes to the location I specify in an xml file. 

Is there any way to automate that after webgrab runs the incremental it will gzip the file into an xml.gz file?  

The only way I can figure to do so would be to have it run to the xml file and set a seperate cron hours later to gzip the .xml file. 

Any help would really be appriciated. 


Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

Thank you for the instruction. 

As simple as it was I just never thought of it.   Bash to run a bash was not a concept in my mind. 

You have made my life easy . 


bonz777's picture
Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 17 hours



I am searching this issue form long time and find this reply help full. But Still I am confused about how I combined this script with auto time correction script. Please check the attached file that ai am using to adjust time for ALL EPG. Also please guide me to add this script in same file for convert .xml to .xml.gz



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