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https problem

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https problem

Hello forums,

I am unable to grab EPG from TV program site, since it moved from http to https. Webgrab+ throws error:

Error downloading page: Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure

Site is

I use mono tu run Webgrab+.

Mono version:

Mono JIT compiler version 3.2.8 (Debian 3.2.8+dfsg-10)

Is there any chance to solve this problem? Thank you.



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It's a known problem. We can only hope that Mono will be updated soon. (Man taip pat nuo šios savaitės nepavyksta atnaujinti  EPG su Raspberry Pi 2, kuriame instaliuota naujausia Ubuntu Mate 16.04 ir Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.1 (Debian

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Installed apache and php:

sudo apt-get install apache2 -y

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-curl php5-gd -y


I can access default Apache html file and I have tested php with an info.php (<?php phpinfo(); ?>) in the /var/www/html. At first I was getting 500 Internal server error, but after Raspberry Pi reboot Webgrab stops with this error:

file /home/pi2/wg++/guide.xml not found, creating a new one ..

update requested for - 97 - out of - 97 - channels for 8 day(s)
update mode - full - for all channels

      i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new

channel (xmltv_id=LRT Televizija) site -- TV24.LT -- mode full
iiiiiiiitime parsing error : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
stoptime time scrubbed : 1463866500
computer date/time format: 5/22/2016 7:17:44 PM



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Copied a line with an "url_index" from your newest tv24.lt_.ini to an initial and removed original url_index{url||urldate|?filter=channel&subslug=|channel}. Finally it works with https! I will test latest webgrab beta later. Thank you very much Blackbear199.

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Thanks! Works also for Just replace with

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This should now work out of the box (so no php needed)


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How is the procedure if using other ini files? Like for example

I have a few websites which are giving me this error, so I would like to correct the problem using your php method, as I have nginx server running with php on my Freenas (Freebsd)

Like I said I am running mono on a Freenas server (Freebsd) but it is recommended by the Mono project to stick with the versions included with freebsd ports, as they may include specific patches and stuff specifically for the freenas system.

So I tried to modify slightly the ini file and the php script just to see if I could make it work, but I get syntax errors that no index can be found.

Included is my two files.


Thank you in advance.


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The reason why it wasn't working was due to some channels from were giving me the following error: "The authentication or decryption has failed".

Then searching through the forums I stumbled across this post, but as you correctly pointed out this website doesn't use HTTPS, which also confused me.

Anyways I am happy to know that there was a updated ini file, even though when I installed Webgrab v2 it downloaded automatically a updated site.ini pack...

Thank you for the quick answer!


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By the way, where is the best place to stay up to date with the ini files? I found the github page for the site.ini pack, but I noticed that those files are not up to date. This updated tv.zam file for example still has the old version in github and also if you download the updated pack using the program.

Would be nice if all updates goes to github instead of having to search through the forums for it.


Thank you again for the great work much appreciated.

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I have came across 2 websites which are working OK in my windows 10 laptop, but are giving error on my Ubuntu 14.04 server using mono. So the only thing I can think of, was checking and installing latest mono and enable BTLS to have TLS1.2 encryption handled by it. It seemed OK but WebGrab still gave errors for those 2 websites ( and The first one gives "index was outside the bounds of the array" and I don't remember the error for

So I decided to change my approach with a PHP script as BlackBear has wrote. I installed apache2, php and wrote a similar tv_nu.php as the tv24_lt.php, and changed my ini accordingly, but WebGrab still gives the same error: "index was outside the bounds of the array"

I have attached my ini and php both in the attachments.

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Blackbear199 wrote: will work fine with linux(use the windows url_index and index_urlshow) with mono version >= believe its this version or newer in the ubuntu repo now so try a update)

none of the btls stuff is required aymore.

to switch it back follow as it says here..

but instead of..



export MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy

then do the import and cert sync and skip the last step(btls-cert-sync).

this is if you have mono >=

anything less than this you need the php way and have to use the blts steps in the link above and even then some https sites will still not work.

here are the file i use,the php script is also included for users with mono version <

so its best if you can update mono.

On "legacy" I got secure connection error on webgrab run, with both ini s (mine and yours), but with "btls" your ini worked for me! Thanks for the file.

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