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Siteini for tvhebdo (Canadian)

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Siteini for tvhebdo (Canadian)

A new Siteini for TVhebdo.  A canadian website



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Made some little changes (xmlt_ns + split and cleanup category + add videoquality HD)

Now online.


THANKS Willy. Great job

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Add to the siteini.

site {loadcookie=tvhebdo.cookies.txt}

just behind the site line


Now go to your webbrowser and select the provider you want.

Export the cookies as tvhebdo.cookies.txt

Place this file in the Webgrab folder.  (The same folder as your SiteIni's reside)


Now enable the channel file creation section.  Place a channel request from tvhebdo (does not matter which) in the Webgrab++.config file.  And run.




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I have done some additions to the file, to include the movie name as subtitle, better than "Cinema" title only. Also captured rediffusion times added to description.

I found that the program does not work well at any time. Likely because the summary page goes from current time to tomorrow same time. It seems to scrap tomorrow's data and delay other days. Running at midnight does work fine (summary page from midnight to midnight).


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dont know if someone is reading this thread anymore...  im trying to get movie title instead of "Cine-Lune" (TVA) ... i got the english title in the description, but that the best i can do without reading the whole documentation

the try to replace "Cine Lune" with the title of the movie, but so far without sucess





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Blackbear199 wrote:

i dont think there's much you can do.i did a test pull with cftm channel and the only index_title is "Cine-Lune".the details title is the same and these 2 must match or webgrab will give a warning and you will see a ? at the end of the title in you guide.xml

I did a site ini for another person for canada called can use it for canada or usa channels.its actually very good as you can select you local provider.

i did a pull for cftm with it and its getting the movie title instead of "Cine-Lune".so you can try it if you want.

open the ini file and look near the bottom,creating the channels.xml file is a 2 step create a providers list first,then from the provider you select you create a channel.xml for that provider.just follow instructions.its the same as creating any other channels.xml,you just do it twice.

i attatched a providers.xml and channels xml i did with a montreal postal code.the channels.xml is for the provider bell fibre op.




Hi Blackbear sorry tried to use this but getting an error cant see anything wrong but must be something.

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sorry thought it uploaded


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Not sure on what you are looking for, but I did an update to tvhebdo.ini above last year, here is the result for CFTM where the movie title is available in the subtitle field:

<programme start="20160416235900 -0400" stop="20160417024900 -0400" channel="CFTM">
    <title lang="en">Ciné-lune</title>
    <sub-title lang="en">Le diamant de sang</sub-title>
    <desc lang="en">(4) É.-U. 2006. Pendant la guerre civile en Sierra Leone, un paysan noir et un mercenaire blanc font équipe afin de retrouver un diamant brut convoité par un trafiquant sud-africain(c)</desc>
      <director>Edward Zwick</director>
      <director>Leonardo Di Caprio</director>
      <director>Djimon Hounsou</director>
      <director>Jennifer Connelly</director>
      <director>Michael Sheen</director>
      <director>Caruso Kuyper</director>
      <director>Arnold Vosloo</director>
      <actor>Leonardo Di Caprio</actor>
      <actor>Djimon Hounsou</actor>
      <actor>Jennifer Connelly</actor>
      <actor>Michael Sheen</actor>
      <actor>Caruso Kuyper</actor>
      <actor>Arnold Vosloo</actor>
    <category lang="en">Action</category>
    <category lang="en">FR</category>

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Blackbear199 wrote:

what are you viewing the channels.xml with?

looks like its converting the coded characters.

example you config.xml..

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="10135&channel=259&aid=zap2it" xmltv_id="CKVR">CTV TWO ALBERTA</channel>

this probable wont show correctly but the & signs in the site_id="...." need to be &amp; like this...



LOL yes how silly of me . i ment to do tahe but forgot i had copied and pasted  it of your file.

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Hi zibou, Can you post your ini file? i will give it a try :)

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Just look above in this page, my post from last year.

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I have an error with the script Zap2It... only with one channel.. any idea how to fix it?

(  16/21  ) ZAP2IT.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=Movies) -- mode Incremental
(  17/21  ) ZAP2IT.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=The CW) -- mode Incremental
(  18/21  ) ZAP2IT.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=Me TV) -- mode Incremental
iinnnUnable to update channel Me TV
See log file for details
Exception.Message: The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime.
Parameter name: value
Exception.StackTrace:   at System.DateTime.AddTicks (System.Int64 value) <0x40e549d0 + 0x000cf> in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.DateTime.Add (System.TimeSpan value) <0x40f260b0 + 0x0001f> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.Format (System.Double element, System.String format, System.String datetimeformat) <0x41014650 + 0x004f7> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.Calculate (System.String element, System.String condition, System.String format, System.String type, System.Boolean debug) <0x4100f530 + 0x047a7> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.Edit (System.String element, System.String[] operation, System.String condition) <0x40f4e000 + 0x02a73> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.ScrubOperations (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] operations, System.String type, System.Boolean channelfile, System.Boolean next) <0x40f44730 + 0x02193> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.ScrubSubDetails (System.String show, WGconsole.SiteIni scrubstrings) <0x410168d0 + 0x00447> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.UpdateChannel (System.String strIndex, WGconsole.ChannelToUpdate Chan, WGconsole.XmlTarget xTarget) <0x40fee000 + 0x08c5b> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication (System.String[] args) <0x40e87220 + 0x04b53> in <filename unknown>:0
Existing guide data restored!
(  18/21  ) ZAP2IT.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=VPBS+) -- mode Incremental


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this is the current line

 <channel site="" xmltv_id="Me TV" site_id="90194&amp;channel=5.3&amp;aid=zap2it" update="i">Me TV</channel>

and i tried this one too... same error

 <channel site="" xmltv_id="Me TV" site_id="90194&amp;channel=5.3&amp;aid=tvschedule" update="i">Me TV</channel>



LHoust's picture
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Blackbear199 wrote:

i dont think there's much you can do.i did a test pull with cftm channel and the only index_title is "Cine-Lune".the details title is the same and these 2 must match or webgrab will give a warning and you will see a ? at the end of the title in you guide.xml

I did a site ini for another person for canada called can use it for canada or usa channels.its actually very good as you can select you local provider.

i did a pull for cftm with it and its getting the movie title instead of "Cine-Lune".so you can try it if you want.

open the ini file and look near the bottom,creating the channels.xml file is a 2 step create a providers list first,then from the provider you select you create a channel.xml for that provider.just follow instructions.its the same as creating any other channels.xml,you just do it twice.

i attatched a providers.xml and channels xml i did with a montreal postal code.the channels.xml is for the provider bell fibre op.

I had difficulties with Canada/, therefore I followed Blackbeard199's Instructions on Generating Provider and Channels File for my Local Broadcast Channels here in the Montreal, Canada Area using  Using the Networks/Zap2it.ini from SiteIni.Pack 2017.27.08_081500 I generated Providers and Channels Files for my Local Broadcast Area, which look fine.

Although I am able to generate 14 Days of Listings which do include Titles and Sub-Title which appear "Correct": The processing is much too fast and all Entries have NO Description, displaying as follows:

"No Description Available."

Am I missing something on how to enable Descriptions for Networks/

Attached are my Config and Log Files

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Blackbear199 wrote:

I rewrote the entire details and subdetails section.everything should be fixed now and gets even more information than before.

I changed the webpages it gets the information from so it slowed it down some as they are way bigger than the pages i was using,thats why i went with them in the first place as it was faster but in the long run the new way has better details i think.



Updated Aug 30/2017

With R6 I receiving very large Descriptions, Thanks!!!  Although there are some issues with the French Accents (my biggest "Challenge" in my "Quest" for a WebGrapper), since my PVR is MythTV, (which is expecting UTF-8 for its EPG Data). WebGrabPlus is reporting differences where UTF-8 is not being used.

There are some additional errors which I do not understand, please see attached Log File: 

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Blackbear199 wrote:

hmm,this is weid,its the site thats doing it.if we look at the details page for one of programs "L'épicerie"(the first one in your log)..

as you can see they spelled with the crazy character.

this is whats causing the messages your seeing in your log.

i added a line to correct for this,no revision change.just download and replace the ini.

The Updated R6 is longer reporting those crazy characters.  I know there are several encodings available when it comes to  handling accents, although I do know which this one might be...

Attached is the lastest Log File: A number of warnning about Retries and a few other message, which may not be significant?

Thanks for your prompt corrections!

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Blackbear199 wrote:

raise the timeout in you webgrab++config.xml

i use this..

  <retry time-out="30">5</retry>


your using a 5 (sec) timeout.


Thanks, looking good with a 30 Second Timeout!

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