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Changing Genre types with "/" *SOLVED*

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Changing Genre types with "/" *SOLVED*

Love this program however handicapped I felt at first trying to get it to work. First problem I ran into was the times with MediaPrortal as the backend. The times would be fine until the grabber updated the next day. Then the times would be off 4 hours without touching the tvguide.ini. To solve this I have switched to using ArgusTV scheduler with Mediaportal as my back end, I still have analog cable broadcast channels.

What I am trying to do here is fix a problem with XBMC with the genres. The one on particular is Action/Adventure as it shows up in the tvguide.xmtlv. With XBMC in order to have a colored guide by Genre you have to name different .png files to correspond with the genre. In windows you can't use either "\" or "/" as I'm sure you know.

I have been looking in the tvguide.ini and see the part around line 70 with comments about genre and subgenre. I am just guessing this might be where I would start. I am, however, XML illiterate and don't want to mess with this file without guidance.

I would be happy to change "/" to either a "space" or "-" instead so I can rename my .png to correspond.

Thanks, Michael

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Hi Michael,

I hope I understand your problem correctly. You want to change a category like :
<category lang="en">Action/Adventure</category> into
<category lang="en">Action Adventure</category>

You can do that by adding the following line inmediately after the line category.modify {remove|other} :
category.modify {replace|/| }

I think it is better to split the category in two separate categories! Instead of the line above, add this:
category.modify {replace|/|\|}
The result will be :
<category lang="en">Action</category>
<category lang="en">Adventure</category>


Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 4 years

You understood correctly and this was exactly what I was trying to do and worked perfectly.

I was looking at the those lines myself and thought it might be where the change was needed. Just in case someone else is wanting to do this.

These lines were in the file:

category.modify {replace|##_##|\|}
category.modify {remove|other}

I changed it to this performed a full update thinking I knew this was the change needed, well no change:

category.modify {replace|##_##|\|/|}
category.modify {remove|other}

So i added a line this line after as you said and voilia it worked:

category.modify {replace|##_##|\|}
category.modify {remove|other}
category.modify {replace|/|\|}


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