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tvpassport timezone issues

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tvpassport timezone issues

I am using tvpassport for some US channels but I am located in EU. I have to manually edit the tvpassport.ini file and set my own timezone for the EPG data to be in sync with my own TZ.
Is there any other way to make this grabber to work with the builtin webgrabplus app to correct the TZ to my local one?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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not sure i get what your asking.
tvpassport epg is in New York timezone(UTC-0400)
so is the epg wrong because your epg viewer isnt correcting the time to your local timezone when viewed?

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What I ment can be quoted from the TZ FAQ:
"To solve these problems, later versions of WG++ include an integrated international 'cross platform' time-zone database that correctly identifies the source time-zone and the DST rule for that.

With that, WG++ doesn't use the target time-zone any more. The two above mentioned DST corrections are completely separated, WG++ for the source, and the PVR's xmltv importer at the user end for the target."

This works for me on another grabber which imports the correct EPG TZ data inside my viewer, but not with tvpassport.

Blackbear199's picture
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your epg viewer should do this..
tvpassport epg is in UTC-0400
say your local timezone is UTC+0100
your epg viewer should add 5 hrs to all the epg start/stop times for tvpassport epg to its apepars correct in your local timezone.
so whats its doing for you,it if off by 5hrs for example using the above?

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I am using two different viewers. The issue is that I cannot correct this globally since when I correct the other country I am watching as well, it will be 1 hour wrong.
So in the attached image I have the listing directly on webpage from my PC and their TZ shows the actual timeline as 7:30 AM (in time of writing).
My viewer is showing me the EPG data as present with the viewer localtime 12:30 AM.

I can solve this by editing the ini-file and adding my TZ localtime.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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what does your guide.xml show for this show..
0730-0400 or 12:30-0400?

Blackbear199's picture
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i just checked the site and i think your right.
the site isnt returning the epg in new york timezone but its in the users timezone.
what your doing is correct by setting the timezone to your local one.

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EPG present inside the viewer shows "Thor: Ragnarok" 11:15 - 14:00

** EDIT **
Thanks, I thought i was but good that you can confirm this.

Blackbear199's picture
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timezone needs to be set to users local,see screen shots below.
site shows epg in new york time(UTC-0400).
i am 1 hr ahead of that(UTC-0300).
using my local timezone epg matches.

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Regarding the timezone your machine is in, what did you change the following line from the default to exactly?

site {|timezone=America/Moncton|maxdays=14|cultureinfo=en-US|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90|allowlastdayoverflow}

I am running into issues where the EPG viewer is correct for eastern, central, and pacific timezone, but not for mountain time zone.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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have you tried the file in your post in the donator section.
what your saying makes no sense.

if 4 pc with their timezone set eastern,central,mountain,pacific for their clock use the same epg file and 3 are right and ones wrong....its not the epg file.

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