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Duration no longer works?

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Duration no longer works?

Ever since I tried the newer builds of Webgrab plus, a lot more shows are being selected by the MDB-processor, and this also results in more hits. So far so good you might think, but the problem is that a lot of series get selected and matched as well. In a custom script I run afterwards, those are also automatically tagged as 'movie' for the guide in my HTPC, which I don't want. In my MDB config I've set a duration of 76 minutes, but somehow shorter shows are now also being considered. Even though this setting used to work for many years..

Which brings me to the question: Is the duration setting somehow broken in recent builds?

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 10 hours

There was a huge update of mdb with latest release, did you try with new 4.2.46 or 5.0 and new imdb siteini ?
in any case it would be good if you can post some example config/logs so we can see what the problem is.

Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 7 months

Yes, I'm using version See attachments for my settings and the log.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 10 hours

Can you please post some channel lines so i can test ? Thanks
Also suggest to round-up duration like 70,80,90 is ok, but not 72,88,93
i guess you also try the attached sample...

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