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HOw long does it take for License to become valid

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HOw long does it take for License to become valid


I just signed up about an hour ago and have entered my info into the config file.

I have made sure Im using my license password, the correct Username and registered email.
I also have the f "force" flag in the license to make sure its forcing a re-register but I keep getting:

Username 'GarethRobson'
[Warning ] A previous record dd 2020/12/23 for un_registered user 'GarethRobson' found
[Warning ] Correct the username in the license request :
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WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 45 min

you have to wait a little bit because paypal.When you will see the piggy icon (donator) it should all be ok

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