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[SOLVED] Donation button urgently needed!

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[SOLVED] Donation button urgently needed!

Please include a "Donate" link on your website where those of us who feel like contributing can donate towards the future development of this excellent software, preferably by payPal to make it easy, safe and secure to donate.
I discovered this site and software when my current TV guide downloads "broke" due to some heavy changes at the providers site, and I was using TvXB which is no longer maintained to grab data. Within two days and some excellent help from francis I was back up and running again with a working TV guide in Windows media Center.
The time and effort spent on maintaining this excellent software and the promt help offered in this forum is really appreciated!
I like to contribute to "free" software that I'm using so please make that possible. :)

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 9 months

Bump, even if this post is currently on top. :)
At least I want to donate something towards the future development of WG+. The support on this site has been nothing short of amazing since I switched to WG+ only a few weeks ago.
Please somehow make it possible for me to repay at least some of that with a small donation :)

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WG++ Team memberDonator
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Hi ,
thank you for your kind words. Actually we are working on adding a 'Donate button' to the site, because you and a few other happy users keep asking for it.
But .. again and .. again there are  'more' important things that prevent us from finishing it.
We will mail you when it's ready .

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 9 months
WGMaker wrote:

Hi ,
thank you for your kind words. Actually we are working on adding a 'Donate button' to the site, because you and a few other happy users keep asking for it.
But .. again and .. again there are  'more' important things that prevent us from finishing it.
We will mail you when it's ready .

That is great to know. I am always happy to support good software that I use, and epsecially software that is maintained by friendly and dedicated individuals.

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 9 months

I would just like to let everyone know, in case you haven't seen it, that there is now a "donate button" available on the front page. It says "Support us".
I encourage everyone that like and use WebGrab+ to try out that button and make a donation, small or big, I'm sure any token of appreciation will be appreciated. I really like the concept of "free software" myself, but at the same time I know that bills have to be paid and that things cost money also for those who create and maintain such "free software" for others to enjoy. And this software even comes with excellent free support, how to beat that! 
And by the way, I'm on no way affiliate with this site or the people behind it. I'm just a media center user who stumbled upon this site and software early this year and I immediately switched from my old grabber to WebGrab+.

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