I managed to get the the titles from schedule.php but the description is on the show-details.php page.
The ini script is unable to visit the show-details.php despite using index_urlshow.
How can I modify this script to make the program visit show-details.php as well and extracting the description?
read documentation is all explained there.
Following the manual and relevant examples from other ini files lead to this:
scope.range {(indexshowdetails)|end}
index_temp_2.scrub {single|class="schedule-show" href="http://webgrabplus.com/%7C%7C"|>}
index_variable_element.modify {set |https://www.hitstv.com/shows/show-details.php?id='index_temp_2'}
index_urlshow.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
index_urlshow.modify {set|'index_variable_element'}
index_urlshow {url(debug)|https://www.hitstv.com/shows/show-details.php?id=|href="||">}
Well I am only asking for a guide in the right direction, not the whole solution for my script to work. Like for example, is this the proper way to insert index_urlshow in the ini file? I can't seem to get the program to visit other pages besides the index.
i had a look at this site and the show details is the least of your problems.
i will try to expain.
the site shows the schedule as monoday-friday,saturday and sunday.
webgrab wont know the monday to friday schedule repeats five times then there is saturday and sunday...you have to figure out a way to trick it into thinking this(hint...when you do your showsplit,split it by the group(monday-friday,saturday and sunday).now your showsplit should be 3 elements,copy the first one(monday to friday schedule).make ur showsplit a single element(think about this as its the key to getting it to work).now add your monday-friday(which you copied in above step) schedule to the beginning so it exists 5 times.now u have a 7 days of epg unsplit.
now your ready to split it again into individual shows.
also since its a fixed schedule youe will need to tell webgrab which day of the week the schedule starts on,see firstday= in the manual for this.
imho opinion your better off using a site that has many channels(with this one included) rather than trying the above one unless you have a very good understanding of how webgrab works and multi value elements.