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Merge-XMLTV Changes XMLTV_IDs In Output

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Merge-XMLTV Changes XMLTV_IDs In Output

Running Webgrab+ v2.1 on CentOs 7 using Mono version
My EPG database has out grown just running one copy of Webgrab+. I split the channels into 7 different instances now, and trying to merge them back together at the end. In each 7 channel.conf.xml files I'm using the "xmltv_id" field to link my playlist to the right EPG data. Enverything has been working fine until I merge the XMLTV files back together.

Example channel before being merged. Notice the "XMLTV_ID" is ""
channel update="i" site="" site_id="36625D/42" xmltv_id="" >CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)

Example channel after using the "Channel Creation" within the merge-xmltv.ini. Notice the "XMLTV_ID" has changes to the channel name.
channel update="i" site="merge-xmltv" site_id="" xmltv_id="CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)">CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)

Example channel after completing the merge. Notice how the "XMLTV_ID" is gone. The "Channel ID" should be ""
channel id="CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)">CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)

I've tried editing the channel creation file, and swapping the site_id with xmltv_id. This broke the script completely, and output a guide.xml file w/only channels and no guide data. Please help! As I'm now back to running one instance and taking 2 days to grab all of my sources. I donated before posting this, and would be willing to donate more to fix this issue. Thanks. -James

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WG++ Team memberDonator
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dont change the site_id="xx" in the channel.xml the merge-xmltv.ini creates,its needed by webgrab to find the correct channel epg data.

if it created this..
channel update="i" site="merge-xmltv" site_id="" xmltv_id="CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)">CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)

just copy the site_id value to xmltv_id value..

channel update="i" site="merge-xmltv" site_id="" xmltv_id="">CITY TV (Toronto ON) (CAN)

this should give you the exact same channel info in your merged guide.xml as you would get if you grabbed it all in a single instance of webgrab.

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I know this is probably something simple for me to figure out, but could you please give me some simple linux bash script to do this for me in the webgrab++config.xml? or sed or perl? or xmlstarlet?

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WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 2 hours

sed -i 's/site_id="\([^"]*\)" xmltv_id="[^"]*"/site_id="\1" xmltv_id="\1"/g' WebGrab++.config.xml

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