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No summary

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No summary

AS you can see the summary in the log file is missing for one SiteIni, while it is present for another channel (SiteIni).
What am I doing wrong?

If the summary is missing it is for all the channels grabbed with that SiteIni.
A small problem, but it annoys me.

The SiteIni's used are as on Silentbuteo.
In the example WG++ 2.1.8 is used, but it is the same for older versions (2.1, 2.1.4)


Joined: 12 years
Last seen: 3 years

No effect.

Tried all this (and there are no more elements)

index_start.modify {cleanup}
index_category.modify {cleanup}
index_title.modify {cleanup}
title.modify {cleanup}
titleoriginal.modify {cleanup}
index_subtitle.modify {cleanup}
subtitle.modify {cleanup}
description.modify {cleanup}
actor.modify {cleanup}
director.modify {cleanup}
productiondate.modify {cleanup}

Same result

Joined: 12 years
Last seen: 3 years

I believe you it is hard to find.
Disabled everything except the needed lines for opening the url, a showsplit and an index_start and index_title statement. And the title cleanup statement

Still the same.

I cannot find anything wrong in the titles. (attached the grab)

PS: In a way I am glad, I am not the only one noticing this

Joined: 12 years
Last seen: 3 years

It is not particularly this website, I am concerned at.
I want to know why this is happening, and how I can prevent it. I cannot find it at the moment.
Checked on the webpages concerned, And I cannot find anything out of the ordinary there.
Checked them even with the an Hex editor. Spaces are normal spaces. And everything that is grabbed looks normal.

So it is learning for me. But when you do not find anything, it is frustrating.

The SiteIni is attached.
I used only this for checking at the moment:

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 13 hours

I think Kivanc is correct, but also on mine adding:
index_start.modify {cleanup}
index_category.modify {cleanup}
index_title.modify {cleanup}
title.modify {cleanup}
titleoriginal.modify {cleanup}
index_subtitle.modify {cleanup}
subtitle.modify {cleanup}
description.modify {cleanup}
actor.modify {cleanup}
director.modify {cleanup}
productiondate.modify {cleanup}
has no effect.
Anyway i like more a clean one without summary for everything. It's enough at the end of the log.
no change in index/detail title with cleanup

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