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error downloading page: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

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error downloading page: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hi i was wondering if anyone can help with this problem, i am using version 2.1 and i am geting the following error in every siteini i try:

error downloading page: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

also tried this on 2 computers as well as reinstalling the program. Is there something i am missing?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 6 years

sorry i could not find much about it. anyway the one i did found was unresolved. i tried the same steps, installed v 2.1.5 and installed latest netframework. i still get the same issues. Anything else i should try? i tried this on 3 different machines, two win 7 and 1 win 8

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 6 years

Hello, I solved the issue with upgrading in TLS 1.2 as previoulsy suggested.
For instance with importing the Keys

Now just fine !
Hope it helps.

Ben Baraka
Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 3 years


I'm all new to WebGrab+Plus. I've found it while I was searching for an alternative to GraceNote EPG, for use with eyetv.

I've downloaded and installed stable version 2.1… and have encountered the same trouble with "La Une", "La Deux", "La Trois" channels of (Belgium)… TLS/SSL error message.

With the help of this topic, I have resolved the problem, downloading the 2.1.5 beta version.

Before finding this solution, I've tested alternative channels from other sites, with errors in most cases, but not all (all the french belgium sites, part of the dutch belgium sites, some of the french sites of France). I will test them with the 2.1.5 version and report you the results. It may be helpful to identify the cases in wich the 2.1.5 resolve the trouble.

@ Blackbear199 : I've seen in the header of the ini that you are the author of this ini, or its last revision. Great thanks for this work. This ini gives very good results, better than the other ones (much days of tv program, better information, like categories).

I'm very grateful for all this development, and a so nice result in my eyetv software. I'm database developer and developed some grabbing features (from movies sites, geocaching site,…) and measure the size of the task. Thanks to all the community.

I will make a generous donation.


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