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Synology Installation Help

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Synology Installation Help

Hi, I am trying to get this to work on my Synology drive. I know a tiny bit about linux (messing with sat boxes/routers) but not too much.

I have intalled mono and that has installed fine.

I copied the WG++2.1 file across to the Nas, managed to extract in the tmp folder, when I type to run the script all i get is,

-sh: command not found

i am in the correct folder, when i type dir, i can see all the correct files and folders, including and

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 5 months
Blackbear199 wrote:

Thank you very much, that indeed did the trick, was i getting the error due to the wg++ folder being hidden?

Also, which siteini would anyone recomend for UK sky epg?



Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 5 months
Blackbear199 wrote:

u got the error because it couldnt find the file.

normally linux looks for executeable file in certain locations like /usr/bin,/usr/sbin,ect.

these locations are set by the PATH variable.

thats why you can type mono and the operation system finds it(its usually in /usr/bin).

the file u were trying to execute wasnt in of these locations so thats why u got the error "file not found".this is perfectly normal as you downloaded it as a installer to your downloads,home directory or wherever that executeable files dont usually exist.

when you use ./ before the filename it means execute from here(current directory) so thats why it finds it. is the best for UK epg.

Thank you for taking time to explain that, though I am new to lunix, the tinkering i have done so far has given me enough knowledge to undestand what you have said.

I did find this pretty confusing though as i had to pull info from difference locations and didnt really know which order everything is in, so for anyone one else looking to run WebGrab++ on their synology that like me isnt too familiar with linux, here are the sites you need to look at and the order things need to me done in:

1. install mono for the synology - from here (pick the correct one for your processor- you can find out which processor you have by checking the info in control panel on synolody

2. check mono is installed correctly - instrucions here

3. follow steps 3 to 6 here - i know it says linux but its the same for synology - PS what i did was extraxt the folder manually and placed in volume1 using windows so that i didnt need to extract it using linux commands.

4. before running make sure you do this > read carefully and follow this is where you setup which chanels you get EPG for and from which source

5. go back to this link and do step 7.

Connect to TVHEADEND

6. Right at the very end you need to follow the instructions here to get the webgrabber to show in tvheadend and be able to match up the chanels to EPG.

--you will need to first download the file, edit the file, reference the location of your guide.xml file in your .wg++ folder, then copy it to the location that is mentioned 


if you simply type the command mentioned in the guide, to download the file from their site, the location of the guide.xml will be incorrect and it wont work--

The esiest and best way to set a cron job to run the script each night is to do it from within DSM, advanced control panel - task schedular (i think)

side notes:

you will need to connect to your synology using putty - username and password are same as what you use for web interface

you will need to allow putty connection by allowing this in DSM

when running the scripts be in the correct folder and type ./

dir will list the contents of the directory

typing cd {directory_name} will enter you into that directory (if you dir, you will see a list of directories you can enter)

cd.. will take you up a directory level 

new TV schedules are only downloaded each time is ran - hense the need for this to be scheduled to run once a day

you will need to schedule TVheadend to grab the data from guide.xml every day also, but this is done in tvheadend in the EPG section

This is for other newbies like me :)

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