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XMLTV base time not equal to schedule time

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Tom Humphrey
Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 1 month
XMLTV base time not equal to schedule time

Hello guys,

I have some problems with time conversion(?) that appears at some other sources, too. Maybe one of you can explain where the timeshift comes from or what I have done wrong in my configuration:

part of

site {|timezone=Europe/Helsinki|maxdays=28|cultureinfo=fi-FI|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90|episodesystem=xmltv_ns|ratingsystem=MEKU|keepindexpage}
url_index.headers {accept=text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml|contenttype=application/json}
url_index.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}

part of WebGrab++.config.xml

  <channel update="i" site="" site_id="c4" xmltv_id="Nelonen">Nelonen</channel>

Part of JSON-File scraped as defined above from|urldate| :

      "name": "Keno",
      "description": "Illan Keno-arvonnan tulokset. Arvonta on suoritettu Poliisihallituksen hyväksymällä arvontajärjestelmällä. Keno arvonnan tulokset myös Veikkauksen sivuilta Kotimainen visailuohjelma. (2')",
      "starttime_timestamp": "1502128680",
      "endtime_timestamp": "1502128800",
      "hour": "20.58",
      "channel": "Nelonen"

Test conversion of timestamp results in time as defined in „hour“ (20:58) so this is correct.


Part of guide.xml generated by WebGrab++ V2.1:

  <programme start="20170807175800 +0300" stop="20170807180000 +0300" channel="Nelonen">
    <title lang="fi">Keno</title>
    <desc lang="fi">Illan Keno-arvonnan tulokset. Arvonta on suoritettu Poliisihallituksen hyväksymällä arvontajärjestelmällä. Keno arvonnan tulokset myös Veikkauksen sivuilta Kotimainen visailuohjelma. (2')</desc>

By definition, xmltv times are in UTC (source time plus UTC offset).
Following that we should have something like 20170807205800 -0300 in the XML.

What have I done wrong that this is not correct?

Thanks a lot for your help.


Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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