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DaVinci Learning - grab problems

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DaVinci Learning - grab problems

I am trying the make SiteIni for DaVinci Learning - English schedule.


I have attached the Siteini which I arrived at.  It works on Webgrab++  version 1.1.1/53.17

However on Version 2.0.5 I get all kinds of errors.  In the siteIni there a bunch of marked out statements which I tried to solve the problem.  They all show an error:


[Critical] Exception.Message: De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.
[Critical] Exception.StackTrace:    bij WGconsole.Scrub.Times.GetDate(Scrub s, ChannelToUpdate chtu)
   bij WGconsole.Scrub.Times.GetTimes(Int32 n, String[] indexshows, Scrub s, ChannelToUpdate chtu, UpdatedChannel uch)
   bij WGconsole.Program.UpdateChannel(String strIndex, ChannelToUpdate Chan, XmlTarget xTarget)
   bij WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication(String[] args)


In the config file I use:

<channel update="i" site="DaVinciLearning.en" site_id="dummy" xmltv_id="DaVinciLearning.en">Da Vinci Learning</channel>


The problem with the website is that no date is mentioned.  The schedule start with Yesterday.  I tried setting the index_date to yesterday.  This works in the old version.  But not in the most recent version of Webgrab++

I also tried to exclude the first block of the showsplit.  This does not work either.


What am I doing wrong.  Pls. Help






Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 3 years

Thanks that works.

But I think I know where the problem is.

In another SiteIni I am working on, I need the statement:


index_variable_element.modify {calculate (format=date,"dddd dd MMM, yyyy") |'urldate'}

This resulted in the value:  Wednesday 31 May, 2017)

When you remove the ) in the result the the correct value is obtained;


This becomes then:

index_variable_element.modify {calculate (format=date,"dddd dd MMM, yyyy") |'urldate'}
index_variable_element.modify {remove|)}

index_showsplit.scrub {multi (debug) |<h2>'index_variable_element'</h2>|div class='ls14||<!--END Content Wrapper-->}

Hopefull this gives you a clue where the error is located.



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