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Hello I am looking for an teleclub ini. Is there any possebility to create it?

The url is the following:

Thanks in advanced.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 7 years

Hi Blackbear, I am not Netuddki oder Homer Simpson but thanks for your post. I guess you are talking about the post in this thread instead of swissair :) 

This is exactly what I was looking for, I am going to test it. Beside that you might upload it to github?

Because I have checked the existing files and the files from the other thread are closing the gap.

Nevertheless I tried to understand your anger and used the search function and google also about netuddki. I get you and some discussions made me thinking about it. I don't want to start a discussion here, but some names are also related to IPTV provider in the forum. That's the matter of an open community and such a nice tool as Webgrab++. I don't judge the doing of those and try to be neutral, but I hope Webgrab won't be in trouble in the future because of this... 

So don't be mad that's normal, I wish you a nice weekend and greets from Germany :)



Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 1 year

It doesen´t work any more:

[ ] Job started at 26/01/2019 08:20:17
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Running on: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[ Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Loading timezone data
[ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: WGconsole.WG.Common.timezonesdata.txt
[ Debug ] Reading config file: C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\WebGrab++.config.xml
[ Info ] found: C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\siteini.pack\Switzerland\ -- Revision 00
[ Info ] input file C:\EPG\webgrabguide.xml not found ... created a new one ...
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ Info ] i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Group (0) :
[ Info ] update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 12 day(s)
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 1/1 ) TELECLUB.CH -- chan. (xmltv_id=Teleclub Cinema) -- mode Force
[Error ] Unable to update channel Teleclub Cinema
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical] message:
[Error ] no index page data received from Teleclub Cinema
[Error ] unable to update channel, try again later
[ Info ] Existing guide data restored!
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] 0 shows in 1 channels
[ Debug ] 0 updated shows
[ Debug ] 0 new shows added
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ ] Job finished at 26/01/2019 08:20:24 done in 7s
[ Info ] Job (MDB) started at 26/01/2019 08:20:24
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Starting MDB Postprocess .. Version: 2.05
[ Info ] LocalMDB file C:\EPG\mdb.xml not found ... created a new one ...
[Error ] XMLTV file - C:\EPG\webgrabguide.xml - doesn't exist
[Error ] Check filename and location!
[Error ] Cannot run MDB postprocessor
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] -------------------------------
[ Debug ] MDB Postprocessor result
[ Debug ] -------------------------------
[ Debug ] Mdb data found for 0 out of 0 Movies-candidates
[ Debug ] Mdb data found for 0 out of 0 Series-candidates
[ Debug ] In 00:00:00.0289141 seconds
[ ]
[ ]
[ Info ] Finished Postprocess MDB
[ Info ] Job (mdb) finished at 26/01/2019 08:20:27 done in 3s
[ Debug ] statistics upload error: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

Any other solution?

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 20 min

change to this as per picture

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 1 year

works fine THX

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