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Minor problem

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Minor problem


I've created a new ini for site cinemagia but the problem is i get a warning 

"error downloading page: The request timed out (5sec)".

After that warning webgrabb++(last version) works normally and grab the epg for 2 days in my case.

I've attached the log, config and ini files in archive.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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thats not really a issue.

some site are just like that but you could try increasing your timeout in you webgrab++.comfig.xml

its at 5 right now,try 10 and see if the error goes away.

  <retry time-out="10">4</retry>

10 sec timeout and 4 retries before it skips the channel ands goes to next one.

if you find it help you can add a custom timeout to you ini file and chane your webgrab++config.xml setting back to 5(for other sites that dont need the increased timeout).

you would add it to the site {...} line

retry=<retry time-out="10">4</retry>


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Thanks Blackbear199 indeed when I changed in webgrab++config.xml 

<retry time-out="10">4</retry> that warning goes away. 

I don't understand how I can put this into ini file. Can you please modify the ini file with that setting?

This can be added to epg-channels.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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just like i said..

open you ini and add it to the site {...} line..

site {|timezone=UTC+02:00|maxdays=7|cultureinfo=ro-RO|charset=utf-8|titlematchfactor=90|retry=<retry time-out="10">4</retry>}

or you can add it on a new line..

site {|timezone=UTC+02:00|maxdays=7|cultureinfo=ro-RO|charset=utf-8|titlematchfactor=90}

site {retry=<retry time-out="10">4</retry>}

here's the full list of retry settings..


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Thanks again Blackbear199 .I never found that retry list before. 

Later edit: I've updated the archive from the first post and i deleted webgrab++config,xml and webgrab++log.xml

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Hi all!

I just starting to use this amazing program WG++ (Thanks) and i have a little problem, i would like to use a for EPG, its nearly perfect except not grabing channel logos (for me, maybe my fault) Could some one where is the problem? Thanks!

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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move the index_urlchannellogo.modify line from where it is up and put it under the index_variable_element.modify {set|'config_site_id'} line.



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Thank You!

It's ok, this is a bug, or calculated?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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just the way webgrab works

if you look at the index_ xxx elements you will see that they are inside a scope..


index_xx element.scrubs




having the index_urlchannellogo inside this wont work because the index_urlchannellogo is done before this scope.

so having it there means its cannot work(basically its too late).

by moving it up to where you did made it outside the scope so now it works.

one would have to read the documentation to understand this(what scope is and how it works) and the order in which elements are scrubbed.

when i created the ini i must of added the scope and forgot to move the index_urlchannellogo.modify outside it.


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Thanks again, for the great job and nice explanation. yes

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