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New tvdb ini

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New tvdb ini

There is a new variant of :

This uses Bing as primary search engine to replace the advance search of The latter has the disadvantage that it returns too many results especially in the case of simple search strings. Like when it is supposed to find the serie with titles as 'Friends' or 'Cops', simple one word titles, it returns all titles containing the words 'Friends' or 'Cops'. The mdb postprocessor then tries to find a match among all those suggested series, which takes a lot of time and sometimes a match will not be found because WG++ limits its matching attempts to 100 candidates.

Using BING as primary search solves this problem. BING has the capability to search in thetvdb database, and will return a far more accurate search result. It also lists its results in order of relevancy. In most cases the first suggested serie is the correct one.

Also, this can be customized for the prefered series  data language. A guideline how to do that is provided.

You will need WG++ version 1.1.1/56.12 to use it.

enjoy     Jan

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Oh, man what a shame! Grabbing series info from thetvdb works great, compared with the similar imdb_series which is totally broken right now. What I meant by a shame was the dudes at tvdb allows their contributing users to put production year as season number, which is complete nonsense (who uses that??). Of course several of my favorite series has this nuisance, so I can't use the tvdb either. I have to wait until the imdb ones are fixed. 

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Hi Blackbear,

sorry for the late answer.
​The cannot be used for movies! (of course it shouldn't return an exception, I will try to repair it that that won't happen anymore). To work on series you need at least the episode title in the sub-title xmltv element (that is the element that is used to match the episode in thetvdb, without that matching is not possible!)
So, to get your setup working:
​1. change your config to include a subtitle with the value of an episode title
2. change your mdb.config to include the subtitle in the selectserie and the matchserie :
<site series="" movies=""/>
<selectserie optional="productiondate,actor,director" contains="serie,soap,thriller,comedy,drama" musthave="title,subtitle" minumum="2" duration="25"/>
<matchserie optional="productiondate,actor,director" minimum="2" mustmatch="title,subtitle"/>

​I tried with the Simpsons by dding the episode title "moaning Lisa"  like this:
<channel update="f" xmltv_id="The Simpsons" site_id="00:00-23:59##title:The Simpsons##subtitle:Moaning Lisa##description:Series.##category:Movie##actor:Matt Groening" site="fixed">The Simpsons</channel>

​And that worked fine



succes    Jan


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Hi Jagad,

I did some test with the and all seemed OK. What is the problem?
(pls send me your mdb.config and the xmltv input file with the problems)

And yes, too bad about We can't do anything about that.


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Hello Jan!

The current problem with the is that the episode-num for matched sub-titles is not scrubbed. Scrubbing the icon src works fine still though. Imdb as it seems keeps on changing the html quite frequently nowadays. I tried to adapt/change the scrub code in the latest revision from mid december, but wasnt abled to get it working. You can find my config files here:

and the xlmtv input file i will send to you in a mail.

Thanks for looking at it.

Yes, too bad about the problem. Researching it there has been lots of complaint about this over the years, but nothing has happened, so the chances this is going to be changed is slim.  



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