[ ] [ ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V5.1.3.0 [ ] [ ] Jan van Straaten [ ] Francis De Paemeleere [ ] [ ] thanks to Paul Weterings, Mat8861, Blackbear199 and all the contributing users [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] [ ] Job started at 20/12/2023 09:03:54 [ Debug ] [ Debug ] Running on: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0 [ Debug ] Environment: 7.0.14 [ Debug ] [ Debug ] Loading timezone data [ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: WG.common.timezone.timezonesdata.txt [ Debug ] Reading config file: D:\WebGrab+PlusTest\WebGrab++.config.xml [ Info ] Checking License .. [ Info ] For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt [Error ] The xmltv_id=iFilm for this same_as channel xmltv_id=iFilm TV could not be found! [Error ] Skipping this channel [Error ] The xmltv_id=Al Jadeed for this same_as channel xmltv_id=Al Jadeed LB could not be found! [Error ] Skipping this channel [Error ] The xmltv_id=Al Kahera Wal Nas for this same_as channel xmltv_id=Al Kahera Wal Nas 1 could not be found! [Error ] Skipping this channel [Error ] The xmltv_id=Al Manar for this same_as channel xmltv_id=Al Manar LB could not be found! [Error ] Skipping this channel [Error ] The xmltv_id=TEN for this same_as channel xmltv_id=TeN TV could not be found! [Error ] Skipping this channel [Warning ] timezone=UTC+03:00 mapped with timezone_id "Europe/Moscow" [ Debug ] [ Info ] found: D:\WebGrab+PlusTest\siteini.user\Egypt\elcinema.en.com.ini -- Revision 07 [ Debug ] xmltv input file - D:\EPG0\epg3.xml - found [ ] Job finished at 20/12/2023 09:03:55 done in 1s [Critical] The was not present in the dictionary. [Critical] at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at  .‫..ctor( ) at  .‥. (String[]) [Critical] Unhandled Exception [Critical] For detailed info, see log file D:\WebGrab+PlusTest\WebGrab++.log.txt [Critical] Execution stopped