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Active forum topics

Topic Replies Last postsort descending Forum
Normal topic Only 4 days in guide.xml
by navidiku on Thu, 2023-06-01 12:03
1 by mat8861
Wed, 2024-06-05 18:53
Normal topic License renewal
by service.epg on Mon, 2024-06-10 12:26
1 by mat8861
Mon, 2024-06-10 19:12
Normal topic Cannot grab from some sites
by Hauzz on Mon, 2024-06-10 12:39
1 by mat8861
Mon, 2024-06-10 20:01
Normal topic New UK channel: Rewind TV
by JuanF on Tue, 2024-06-11 15:53
4 by JuanF
Fri, 2024-06-14 09:43
SiteIni requests
Hot topic MDB.ini for the portal
by azman on Thu, 2023-01-19 16:49
21 by Blackbear199
Fri, 2024-06-14 23:15
Mdb & Rex
Normal topic error '404' with or
by Bernard on Wed, 2024-06-12 19:27
5 by Blackbear199
Sat, 2024-06-15 17:23
Hot topic
by HugoMK on Sun, 2024-02-11 12:49
20 by HugoMK
Sat, 2024-06-15 23:52
SiteIni requests
Hot topic total noob needing my local OTA CH's & main premium channels for my postal code
by Tw1zT3D247 on Sun, 2022-07-24 09:45
18 by Blackbear199
Sun, 2024-06-16 16:33
SiteIni requests
Normal topic needs update (@mat8861)
by Bernard on Sun, 2024-06-16 10:39
1 by mat8861
Sun, 2024-06-16 17:38
SiteIni requests
Normal topic
by Tehra on Thu, 2024-04-11 07:50
9 by Blackbear199
Wed, 2024-06-19 08:36
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Error on trying to use MDB for the first time
by londc3 on Tue, 2024-06-18 17:31
6 by Blackbear199
Thu, 2024-06-20 21:16
Mdb & Rex
Hot topic Changing the program time?
by Floyd on Mon, 2021-09-27 08:58
43 by Blackbear199
Sat, 2024-06-22 00:27
Ini files
Normal topic and - Response status code 449
by azman on Tue, 2023-02-21 11:13
10 by mat8861
Sun, 2024-06-23 22:53
SiteIni requests
Hot topic Blast TV PH
by onceyoda on Fri, 2024-06-21 18:13
18 by onceyoda
Fri, 2024-06-28 03:43
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Proxy?
by onceyoda on Fri, 2024-06-28 04:26
1 by Blackbear199
Fri, 2024-06-28 09:11
Hot topic (Page: 1, 2)
by Ivan Grozni on Thu, 2014-02-27 19:54
74 by Blackbear199
Fri, 2024-06-28 09:57
Ini files
Normal topic Enhancement of SiteIni Pack Update shell script (SOLVED)
by nikost74 on Sat, 2024-05-11 17:15
2 by nikost74
Fri, 2024-06-28 10:16
Hot topic seems broken, any help fixing it
by jhr1948 on Sat, 2020-07-25 05:18
21 by EPGFreak
Fri, 2024-06-28 19:38
Normal topic
by rhalima92 on Sat, 2024-06-29 16:24
2 by rhalima92
Sun, 2024-06-30 11:23
SiteIni requests
Normal topic 'starrating' misbehavior or personal dislike since v5.2
by frabe8378910 on Sun, 2024-06-16 15:21
8 by WGMaker
Mon, 2024-07-01 15:12
Mdb & Rex


Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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